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I'm so stupid and weak. Broke no contact.


Why am I doing this to myself? All this self-inflicted agony is so masochistic. We are broken beyond repair! It's time to move on!


They say if you want to not get stabbed in the back you have to stop giving them the knife, perhaps I should take my own advice.

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Im tempted to contact him still and I've been in and out of NC so many times now because I have broken it so many times. Im hoping this time I can stick with it for good. Its only been 4 days so far and the longest was 8.


I had a total break down today. I feel the loss of him and our relationship like it was yesterday still... but it was 8 weeks ago. I dont miss the relationship per se... I miss him though...


Be strong and try stick with NC, I know how hard it is but it really is the only option available to us

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Yes, I broke NC last night too. Didn't make me feel any better. It doesn't make you stupid. Just human. Of course as a human, your instinct is to reach out towards that which you miss (your ex). But we don't always know what is best for us. It is best to get back on that horse, start NC again and work on healing yourself again. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just learn from it. That's how I have been tackling this so far.

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OP, forgive yourself.


Sometimes we just need to get that door slammed in our face on more time so we can continue moving on.


You WILL reach a point where you're no longer even tempted to break NC. How you get there is anyone's guess -- it could be due to meeting someone else.... or just the passage of time.... or just getting hurt by contact enough times so you're finally so disgusted with your ex -- or yourself -- or you both -- that the whole idea is no longer even appealing to you!


Be kind to yourself. There will come a day when you've gotten past this!

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This is one of those things you have to learn for yourself: everyone says don't do it...you do it...get burned.


Like when you were little, and you went to reach for the stove...and mom said "don't, it's hot"...and you looked right at her...and touched the stove. Once.

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Whenever I do something I know I shouldn't, I try to remember how I felt after doing it.......like checking his Facebook. After awhile, when I would get the urge, I would remember how badly I would feel afterwards. It does get easier. Forgive yourself, but don't do it again.

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Thanks, guys. It's such a rollercoaster. One minute I feel

like I can conquer the world, the other minute I feel so



I feel the same way sometimes mdavidohoh and it can be terribly frustrating. I wish it could be blamed on hormones, but the truth of the matter is that the heart and the brain are often at odds. Remain strong and keep writing here! I have found such a base of wonderful people who have helped me and some whom I would like to think I have helped.

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