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Just a Question

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I'm just curious. I don't even know if this (question) means something.


If a girl (somewhat close to you, but not your relative or something like that) keeps on telling you about her ex boyfriend and how he keeps on calling her, and she always indicates that he (ex) does not have a chance.


The way I see it is it a sign that tells you she's single and available. I could be wrong, it might just be a way for the girl to release her anger.


I don't know. What do you think?

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I think that she's just venting. Me personally, when I talk about my ex's and say that they don't have a chance, I'm mostly just spouting off on my emotions. It helps to release it sometimes. So, I don't think that she has any other intentions, other than that. Hope this helps.

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hmm...I agree with the others but if there's a possibility that she might like you, she COULD be doing this to see your reaction or to somehow test you and see how you respond to her...I think I've done that before...I've hinted to guys that I've been interested in how I felt by mentioning my ex's and seeing how they reacted...but maybe I'm reading into this too much...she could just cherish your friendship and be venting....I'd need to know more about your relationship with her...

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