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Help!!! I need some help with girls111

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dude just go up to her and be yourself. say sweet things, but dont be really sweet. say things that make her smile and giggle. dont let her know your shy too. have a nice conversation with her about things both of you are intrested in. be her friend but dont get too close. let her know youll be there for her if she needs you. then tell her you like her and ask her out. most girls like a guy that is nice and doesnt come on real strong. if this doesnt help you im sorry. i hope it does though. good luck. later.



if you want to im me my sn is somewhatstupid87.

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Well if you are "unpopular" then why don't you become popular? Its very easy to do. All you need to do is make friends with some "popular" people in your classes. As long as they don't all hate you, then go and just sit with them at lunch or something.

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what i do is sneak in from the back. u get in wit friends of friends, then friends, then linger around there for a while... then finally say somethin. i think u shouldn't be askin how to get noticed, because what after that? if she's shy she prolly won't jus go up to u. the way i jus said is taking forever (like 4 months now), but it's finally startin to pay off. and do stuff, like go to parties, people will talk aboutcha if ur a crazy mofo. they'll be like "ja hear what (whatever ur name is) did?!?! that crazy mofo!", and of course she'll hear and everythin. so parties=good

good luck boi

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