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I'm confused, what does she want?


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After 2 years of trying and fighting for her, she told me she is glad that I kept fighting for her until this day and that she has developed feelings for me. We cuddled and kissed, and I even opened up to her and told her all my feelings and what not. I'm just confused because I just miss her so much that I tend to message her everyday (starting the conversation), but her she wouldn't message me at all. It just gives me that feelings that she doesn't miss me, or actually have feelings for me. I had asked her where do we stand, she said friends, for the fact that she wants to get to know me better. I mean I understand, but why is she putting me into this treatment I really really miss her and it hurts me. She tells me she misses me too.

I just don't know what to do, I patiently waited for her for 2 years and I'm really happy that it all paid off now that she had developed feelings. I Just don't want to seem clingy and annoying to her, but she tells me she loves that feeling of me being cheesy with her and clingy, but why do I have to show all the effort and she doesn't seem to show any effort

My friends had told me to just let things go with the flow... give her, her space and not to think that she doesn't miss me because she does.

What do you guys think?

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What do you mean you miss her? Do you live far apart from each other? Or are you just talking about missing her while you're away from her in general, like at work?


I know that when things are new for me, I get really wary of someone saying he misses me when he saw me yesterday. If it's a healthy situation you should certainly look forward to spending time with someone, but missing her seems a little extreme.

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Okay let me clarify, last time I had a girlfriend years ago and I don't remember the feeling of having a partner for a very long time last time I saw her was last Friday and we hardly see each other only sometimes during school days which is Tuesday and Thursday. I just don't know

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my opinion, listen to your friends ... give her space, go with the flow. you have to take things slow. i know that sounds like hell, but if you truly want her. you have to respect that she's not on the same level.

do the "pull-push" method.

from what you say.. it seems like you are being quite clingy... back up a bit text her less often. i bet you she will come around....

be the man, allow her to be the woman haha ( sorry if that sounds sexist woman )

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my opinion, listen to your friends ... give her space, go with the flow. you have to take things slow. i know that sounds like hell, but if you truly want her. you have to respect that she's not on the same level.

do the "pull-push" method.

from what you say.. it seems like you are being quite clingy... back up a bit text her less often. i bet you she will come around....

be the man, allow her to be the woman haha ( sorry if that sounds sexist woman )


I'm trying my best, but I just hate the way I am

I guess it's that logic I learned in school

"The first attachment style you had with your first care giver applies to loved ones"

And the attachment style I have is to love and be loved in return *sigh*

But yea I will try my hardest to do the "pull-push" method it worked today I didn't message her in the morning and she messaged me on the afternoon, but it just feels like If I continue to do this she might get annoyed or hurt and push me away.

I also tend to express my feelings to her now I tell her I miss her and open up to her all she does is say "awwww" with a kissy face

and it's fine

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Your friends are right. Pump the brakes a little bit and let things take their course. You've waited two years and yet haven't learned patience? I'm guessing you have, you're just not acknowledging it.


"The first attachment style you had with your first care giver applies to loved ones"

And the attachment style I have is to love and be loved in return *sigh*


This is just a story you're telling yourself. Nobody is pigeon-holed to that extent unless they continually do it to themselves. You can learn a new way, you just have to replace the old habit with a new one.


Good luck and try to be cool about it.

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Your friends are right. Pump the brakes a little bit and let things take their course. You've waited two years and yet haven't learned patience? I'm guessing you have, you're just not acknowledging it.




This is just a story you're telling yourself. Nobody is pigeon-holed to that extent unless they continually do it to themselves. You can learn a new way, you just have to replace the old habit with a new one.


Good luck and try to be cool about it.


No I mean I know about patience I guess just the fact that its taking that direction of us being together makes me anxious and happy because its what I've been waiting for all my life lol I sound weird right now but believe me if you were to be in my shoes you'll feel the same way xD


And you are right I guess it's time to learn a new way thank you!

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