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this girl i work with

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Im have a part time job at Mcdonald's...and there is this one girl who hates me and i don't know why. She's in university and comes home on weekends and i'm in grade 11. i've never meet her before in my life until i started working, so it's not like we have so past history. i don't know why but she hates me and is really mean to me. She goes around telling people that i dont listen to her and talk back to her. Then she'll ask me to do something....and complain to a manager about something that i should be doing but im not cuz i listened to her....but the thing is i don't do any of those things that she says i do....and my managers are always telling what a good job im doing...i don't even say anything to her, i just does as she says...i try to be so nice..if i say hi to her..she'll pretend like she didn't her me..i dont know what i did!

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I used to work at McDonalds and most of my co-workers were like that. They were drunk morons to say the least. A few were nice and normal, but most of them would go out drinking every night and have sex with 2 or 3 different partners that night, and then talk about it during thier shift (if they remember what happened and weren't stonned out on beer and weed). Just remember you are better than them and would never stoop thier level of unfriendliness.

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okay, nobody on here knows natalie harris. but i was so damn elated when i heard she'd moved to wales (eloped with her boyfriend).



and when, on the last day of school, she agreeed to keep away from me and my bro smurfkillin' joe if we agreed to let her keep her life. that was such a happy day.


her best friend is the most beautiful girl in the world (samantha, if you're reading, i mean you, my sweet pumpkin pie), and she's not even like, those girls who can be so, so beautiful on the outside and turn out to be absolutly nasty so-and-sos when you get to know them, her soul was the best thing God made (okay, maybe not the BEST--- the Lord's made plenty of things better, but her soul is very high up) and always seeing the two together, laughing and joking, was very confusing. i couldn't understand just how such an angel, a godess, could love that devil monster hateful devil, i didn't get it.



okay, there is a point to this. you remind me exactly how i feel, dei. natalie harris, in school, for 5 WHOLE YEARS she tormented me, made my life a living breathing hell. her heart was as cold as hell. and i hated her. but i only hated her because she seemed to hate me. everything she did was hateful and hate-filled and to demean or humiliate or hurt me and/or my bro smurfkillin' joe. and i did not know why. every other girl in the world had no REAL problem with me. true, many would laugh at me to my face and behind my back for being different. but nobody would ever go out f their way to try to hurt me. grrrr.



i really empathise with you. sadly i can give you no advice. all i can say, is wait for her to elope with her boyfriend to wales and then wait for the headline 'girl shot by elopee' or something like that.

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