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Helpful tips..


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I have posted in the in dating thread but I think this thread may help... Ok so I have been seeing/ hanging out with this guy every weekend for the past month, I'm not really sure what we are but he did say he likes where we are whatever that means haha, we only communicate through text unless we are meeting which I don't mind until now, I can't really tell through text how he feels sometimes, I don't want to put pressure on him to talk on the phone, but is that a bad sign if he doesn't? Also this past week we haven't been texting as much and if does text it takes him hours to respond.. I'm afraid the texting is starting bore him ... What are some things I can do to improve or is it a lost cause... Thanks

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I would do far less texting and spend more time in person. I wouldn't do the phone unless he likes talking on the phone.


I'm a teacher and an interpreter so I can get pretty busy ... The only days I really have off are weekends. I'm not sure if he likes talking on the phone being that he never calls me. Do you think this will be a problem later on

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It would be a dealbreaker for me since I needed that conversational connection on the days we weren't together - typing was not at all the same.


That's true so should take steps back and see what happens because this texting thing isn't working for me, I'm losing that connection with him because it take 2-3 hours to text back

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