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Serious Help Confused


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Okay this maybe long but im gonna try to shorting this up as much as possible. So i had a boyfriend, 11 months. We had trouble in our relationship but we worked it out. One situation that caused our break up was he say she say and he felt my friend was the cause of our break up which wasnt true, cause i didnt wanna break up. He suggested it so i agreed cause it was like on and off for the few weeks before our break up which we finally called quits January 26th, 2013. Right after our break up an hour later he got with his ex, who was a problem earlier in our relationship. Recently they broke up because they didnt see each other at all and he also told my best friend that he was still in love with me. He flirts a lot especially with me...yesterday found out he got with someone else, i knew it was gonna happen so the two of them flirting over facebook. I asked him what that was about and he said nothing, yesterday i asked him were they together he said no even his friends said dont believe everything on facebook. Which makes me think hes either lying, faking a relationship, tryna make me jealous or idk. Not tryna worry about that cause of course hes my ex, we agreed to be friends. But i dont like when he flirts with me and hes in a "relationship" i was once that girl not liking any fenale flirting with my man and they know we together. Anyway, me, him and a few of our friends hung out yesterday at the movies, he kept making remarks like we should makeout, hugging ne tight, cuddling and our lips were close at some point. Then our train ride home me, him and his brother. His brother is a witness to this, i gave him my drink and he was gonna drink out the straw but he said we're not together anymore but then said you're my future though. I laughed and said you betta put a ring on it now then. He also was grinding on me, he always does that. In our relationship he said i made him feel differently then all the other girls he dated, i guess i was his first love and he was mines. I still love and care about him. His brother, which he and I are close he tells me everything, said that his brother, my ex, still has feelings for me. And My ex get mad when other boys are talking to me or i talk to other guys. His brother calls a lot and my parents thought i was dating him and i told my ex that story and he got angry, i was also looking for a prom date, which my ex kept saying i should take him, his friends were all i should take him, i even feel i should take him, my other friend was helping me look for prom dates and he was threating to beat up whoever i take thats not him. Examples of his jealousy...i get jealous to when he talk to other girls as well. I said if he ask me out ill say yes, but his ex who caused issues earlier in our relationship has to be dropped. And recently he called her out and put her on blast over facebook which im sure they are 100% done. I asked advixe from my frienda and it dont help much, i write songs to vent and i try to just get rid of my feelings but its not working, sometimes i feel he loves me still sometimes i dont. I know i should follow my heart but my heart is just as confused as ny brain. I guess im looking for advice as to what should i do if he asks ne out again? And does he still have feelings based on the information? Just need help, meanwhile i am just focusing on me and working to move on. Thanks in advanced people

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