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What should it be like after a week or 2?

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Ok, So ive been going out with my gf for a week now, And I was wondering, How fast should things be going, Still having troubles getting past the acting like friends things, I am trying to get it to be more like a relationship, and apparentlly she is too, But I was wondering, How long should it be before I kiss her, Bring her to my house and meet my family, start hugging and holding hands etc... (etc meaning if you have any other examples that I missed what are they and how long should I wait). Everyone keeps telling me I should have already kissed her and hold hand sand stuff, Oh and becasue I am already here typing Im just going to throw it in the same forum, I think I should buy her something this weekend and give it to her at school, it might get things started a little faster, So... I was thinking, She said something to me a while back (2 or 3 weeks ago) that she wanted the movie dazed and confused on dvd, she said she hopes she gets it for christmas, but I think I am just gunna go pick it up, when I see her on monday, Ill just say, "I was walking through the store and I remembered you saying something about this, so I just picked it up" and give it to her, do you think that would go well and she would like it, is it a good idea? thanks in advance JG.

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Ok I have never held a girls hand without kissing her. Once I knew she liked me I went straight for the kiss, plus I would cop some feels as well.


I wouldn't buy her nothing, Xmas is tough...what happens if her parents already bought her that. We had a rule, nobody buys anybody anything in Oct-Dec. Anyway...it is too soon to buy gifts...if you want to get her something get her a rose.


Anyway...your friends are right...you should of kissed her already. So get her a rose and get your kiss.



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Well, Is there a good specific reason why I shouldnt buy her the dvd, If her parents bought it for her, they are gunna have to return it (lol ) but I just want to get it for her, maybe show her I was listening and paying attention, and maybe to show that I care, I dont think I need to get to know her any better, Ive known her for a year, and have always talked to her, and We have been on a couple dates, I just dont think she knows what to do now having a boyfriend and is kind of nervous, so I want to get things started, We cant do anything this weekend anyways becasue she is gone, and we cant do anything during the week either. Im not crazy about the rose idea, only because I would just feel stupid about giving her one, because I dont think she is into that kind of stuff. Thanks anyways tho,

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