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I just want to rant really i think....


I was feeling quite happy and fine about my forever single status and then just now i was looking through my whatsapp contacts and then i caught sight of the idiot i went on some dates with and who then just started ignoring me out of the blue (after going on and on about how much he liked me/thought i was gorgeous) before you ask i still have him listed in my phone just incase, although very unlikely, he contacts me in the future and i know who it is so i can just completely ignore him like he did to me. Now its made me feel down again

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Don't be down. There are any number of reasons why someone would suddenly start ignoring you (especially after things look so positive) and many reasons might not have anything to do with you, and a lot to do with the ignorer's mind set.


I will admit it is not nice, but sometime it happens. I did this once because I found myself, to my great surprise, falling head over heels for someone who I knew wasn't right for me and I was in a vulnerable place already. I couldn't tell her why, since that might just escalate things, so I took the cowards way out...and just disappeared. I felt bad about it ever since, but I couldn't think of any other way out. If I had talked to her about it, she might have wanted more from me, and I just couldn't have that.

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At least it was only some dates, and not something more serious... A person who ignores you for whatever reason is clearly not the kind of person that your precious time should be wasted on! It's okay to feel down, but know that it could be worse, and that it will get better. I'm sure there is somebody better out there who will be much more worth your time. For now, though, embrace and appreciate your "single status". It's a good feeling to be independent!

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A guy did this to me after 8 dates. It ended a month ago. I feel really rejected and like there's something wrong with things I did or something. It's not me. It's him. He has issues and isn't mature. Also yes a really seriously huge coward. You date a woman for 6 weeks and you pretty much disapeer. It's really weird behaviour.

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A guy did this to me after 8 dates. It ended a month ago. I feel really rejected and like there's something wrong with things I did or something. It's not me. It's him. He has issues and isn't mature. Also yes a really seriously huge coward. You date a woman for 6 weeks and you pretty much disapeer. It's really weird behaviour.


yep they are just massive cowards, it takes 2 minutes to write a message just saying 'im not feeling this anymore,' or something like that but instead they just ignore you hoping u get the hint and go away. I keep thinking that at least we found out early on what they are really like! 6 weeks of dating is pretty crappy though! Sorry. It does leave you wondering what happened doesn't it!

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