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no contact for almost 5 months


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I was seeing this guy for around 2 months. As soon as we met we hit it off quickly. He was very keen to settle down and really wanted to be serious straight away. It scared me a little and we really weren't on the same page...


After a while it got very strained and I didn't want to see him as I felt very pressured. He was doubting my feelings and wanted me to be more open. I just wanted to get to know him and take it easy.


Anyway, so one night we went out and I told him I'm planning on renewing my contract with my company, as he was very keen for me to leave my job so we could have freedom to leave together. But I wanted to stay due to the economic climate.


After that night I didn't hear from him. I didn't contact him. So then it was left unfinished. We hadn't spoken since October until the other night when I bumped into him.


We live in a very big city so it was really strange and random! I was with a friend who he knows. So it wasn't that uncomfortable. When we realised who it was. We both said hello and smiled. And then he was nervous, said hello and went outside to smoke.


Me and my friend went to pay the bill. As we walked out he was still sitting outside. We had a very small chit chat and then said goodbye. He said have a good night.


He looked really sheepish, his voice was shy and he seemed nervous. We definitely made eye contact.


I felt kind of happy that we had bumped into each other. I felt pleased to have seen him after so long.


Is it ok for me to send him a message or say hi? Or shall I let it go? Confused! I'm not sure if I want to date him but I've missed him. There was definitelystill a spark or something...Or as a woman shall I let him contact me...

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If you were to date him again, what do you think will have changed? He seemed in quite a hurry and I find it very unusual that after just 2 months of dating he became so upset at you renewing your contract that it ended the relationship. Thats a large expectation of commitment for someone after just 8 weeks.

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If you were to date him again, what do you think will have changed? He seemed in quite a hurry and I find it very unusual that after just 2 months of dating he became so upset at you renewing your contract that it ended the relationship. Thats a large expectation of commitment for someone after just 8 weeks.


Since we don't know all of the circumstances we can only speculate what was going on in his head. A lot of things could have changed since the moment of breakup

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Which is why I asked her


If you were to date him again, what do you think will have changed? He seemed in quite a hurry and I find it very unusual that after just 2 months of dating he became so upset at you renewing your contract that it ended the relationship. Thats a large expectation of commitment for someone after just 8 weeks.


I think at the time he was really pressured and when I saw him the other day he seemed a little bit more relaxed. Part of me wants to contact him just for closure. I don't know it I want to go out with him. Maybe be friends and get to know each other. It's really rare to spark with somebody so that's kind of digging at me...

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