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Hm. How to best represent myself on a resume?


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I'm not used to building and maintaining a resume, because I've only worked one job in my life, my current part time retail job. I'm not sure how to represent myself on a resume, especially considering the bulk of my "experience" at my current job is just cashiering, stocking shelves, and helping customers. I dunno, I guess I'm just not very "creative" when it comes to embellishing myself.


I'm looking to find jobs (or at least, internships) that relate to audio/ video production, editing, etc., that kind of thing. But, considering I'm majoring in business management at school, that's another angle I sort of have to spin. I'd like to be able to demonstrate that I know how to use (and am fairly proficient) with a handful of software programs for audio/ video editing, but, I mean... do I just list them, or what? Is it less desirable that the software I'm familiar with are mostly free alternatives to the software that would likely be used in a professional environment?


Man, it's kinda sad that after all the business classes I've taken, I'm unsure how to properly develop a resume for myself. @_@ But, I'm more stumped on how to "sell" myself, than anything else.

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Hey MattW,

A lot of the skills are transferable. Do some search under 'transferable skills for resume'.


Don't limit yourself. You will need 3 resumes for yourself.

1. Master Resume (mother of all your jobs and skills since day one that you started work)

2. functional resume (you will use this resume to tailor to the org. that you apply to.)

3. chronological resume


typical resume should look like this


1.name, city, ph, email on header

2. summary of qualifications


3. start listing most recent jobs in order...along with job functions etc


good luck.

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