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GIRLS! Tips that get women going during parties..


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I have a question for you girls. I'm often at parties and I know that the girls are very interested in me but if the girl is timid and afraid to make the first move then I don't know what to do. I'm talking about under circumstances of you've been drinking and this girl obviously wants to hook up with you, but you are afraid of coming off too strong. Usually this happens when I'm just talking to the girl and she's obviously interested.


Also, girls what do you like guys to do that grab your attention as far as flirting goes?

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Humour is usually the only really good way to break the ice.


I've had just about every type of approach with men, and I can honestly say that the only thing that has ever really *worked* has been a good sense of humour and being "goofy". It helps both people feel at ease and can lead the way to playful conversation.


The worst approach is definitely the guy who comes off as desperate and is too serious; too 'formal'. I was at a club once, and this creepy guy was staring at me from accross the bar for about 2 hours before he actually spoke to me. When he finally did, he was just too serious - he didn't smile, wasn't fun to be around at all, kept complaining about the place, etc. After a while I just wanted him to leave, so I turned around. He kept tapping me on the shoulder and saying, "hey, why aren't you talking to me? Did I say something wrong?". I never thought it was possible, but this guy actually redefined my idea of what a horribly desperate guy was. You can spot these guys a mile away too, usually in the first 30 or so seconds that you talk to them.


My advice would just be to have fun, laugh, and enjoy yourself.

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I couldn't agree more. But I'm talking more about being seductive and flirtty than approaching women. I ask because I don't want to come off too aggressive and I want to know what gets you guys going as far as attraction goes at parties.


Lets say for example that there is this girl who I have been talking to for some time. We've been flirty but smiling, talking to each other, etc. Now she starts to sit real close.. I could make a move and kiss her, but what else could I do before and after she sits real close to seduce her even more? Any tips? You girls know what you like..

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From a GUYS perspective, what would you think if at a party you were dancing with a girl, talked to her very briefly, and then when you were by yourself, she passes by and says "hey ...oh actually nothing, don't worry." and turns around and keeps going?


Would you think: a

) She's interested

b) She's weird

c) She's not interested (or turned off)

d) She wanted to say something but forgot

e) She's drunk/tipsy

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