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More breadcrumbs..and it's making me wonder

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Long story short. 5 years together, 3 years since the breakup. Stopped initiating contact about 6 months ago. Past month I get a 'hey how are you?"


I ignore it


Then one week later I get a "Hey I saw something made me think of you, blah blah blah"


I ignore it


Then a day later I get a "hey why did you delete me from facebook so long ago?"


Then I think about it, let it settle and I message her.

"We can't be friends, I took you off because it was/is time to let go"


Then she said, "I'm sorry you feel that way, ok. I wish you the best in everything"


I ignore that as well, delete the thread, delete her number.


It's been a week


Now today I get a "Ps. I'm sorry you feel that way. Know that you can always contact me for anything. I'm not trying to be your BFF, just a being who is here if you need me, Alrighty, well once again, best of everything to you and shall our paths cross again in the near future."

Advice? I'm torn...she's not there for me. I'm still in love with her and I can't stop it! Help! Plus she has a LT bf

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Sounds like she is done with the RL and your not. Its easy for her to be friends cuz she doesn't have feelings in that way for you any longer. Do what is best for you and stay silent and move on. You still care about her and you are right. Cant be friends/time to move on. She will stop reaching out soon. Just get through this initial contact. Your doing good with your actions and responses.

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Are you sure you are still in love with her?


If you are 100% positive, I would tell her that and tell her you have to cut off all communication with her. It's hurting you to hear from her.


If you are not positive I would suggest meeting with her if possible to temper your emotions. If she acts more like a friend or acquaintance it could help your emotions die down. If you're not up for that then go with option A.

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Definitely just stop talking to her. She's over it and trying to be friends in an annoying way because she knows you aren't over her. I used to do the same thing to my ex ex boyfriend and eventually he just stopped talking to me for almost a year. After that, he got over me and now we're friendLY and talk sometimes.

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Id never be able to be friends with someone that replaced me the way my ex did.. it's so rough and I went and am still going through heartache 4 1/2 months later. I pictured them in bed together sometimes and it literally torn me apart for a very long time, i dont dwell on it as much but that doesnt mean the pain isnt there.. luckily we've been in NC for 4 1/2 months, there were times I really really wanted to talk to her, but not while she was with another guy, it was too much for me to handle.

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Will it help YOU feel better if you text her back "thanks". If it will make you feel at peace and give you "closure" on this initial contact, then perhaps you should consider it BUT if you are texting her "thanks" with the HOPE that she will text you back, do not do it.


If you do text her back "thanks" - do not expect anything in return. If you text her with the expectation that she will respond somehow - and give you more hope - you may be hurt badly from her non-response or whatever she responds with.


If it was me - given the information just posted in this thread in your OP - I would NOT text back.


Be strong.


You can do it.

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Thank you Sgirl. I've pondered it all day and decided over the past 3 years we've had closure after closure. But I am stronger now and definitely more confident. The need to reply is weak and although I still love her I feel like we've said our goodbyes many a time. So much that there's no use. So thank you again, I will be strong.

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Thank you Sgirl. I've pondered it all day and decided over the past 3 years we've had closure after closure. But I am stronger now and definitely more confident. The need to reply is weak and although I still love her I feel like we've said our goodbyes many a time. So much that there's no use. So thank you again, I will be strong.


I don't know you but I am really, really proud of you and you should be SO very proud of yourself.


It takes a lot of strength not to give in to the temptation and weakness (which we are all struggling with). But, you are doing the right thing. The right thing is not always the easiest thing to do (I have come to learn this, the hard way).

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