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Taking pictures of a cute girl

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Hello there,


So my question goes like this, there is a cute girl in the class sitting next to me (ESL class only twise a week). So by brother want to see how she looks like (my brother lives in Israel , I'm in Canada).


1. He told me to bring a Camera and just to take pics of everything around (Like i'm interested in taking pictures of walls and chairs) and when she would enter the class , i'll tell her " Hi , i'm taking pics for my bro do you mind if i'll take a pic of you ......


But I need to develop the film, (And I dont want to develom a film after only couple of pics)


So I had a better idea to bring a Video Camera into the place and just to take "film" of the place , as usual for my bro.....(then just put it in the PC and take screen shots , very simple and chip)


But I dont fill comfortable Just entering the class and start "Filming every thing around" (If I were drunk, maybe i would be very normal thing to do)

but 'im not.....


Plus if she would enter the class I need to look normal , and not some kind of Voyeur Freak... What I woud say to her that I want to take a Video of the school (WOW VERY INTERESTING !!!! SCHOOL !!!!)


If you could advice me something, plus i'm not that kind of "going" guy ,I always turn to stone when she comes in ...... HAHAHAH



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Whoa, anyone else see that movie "One Hour Photo."

Seriously though, is this girl someone you normally talk to in class? If so, there should be no problem taking a few shots of the people in your class. Get one of those disposable cameras and actually spend the day taking pictures of people and things around school. Make sure people know you're taking them to show your brother how things are in Canada and it'll seem more or less normal that you want to take some photos of your ESL class. (Maybe even get someone to take one of you with the girl!)

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Guess what , I srewd up everything....


I brought the Camera , and i didnt take any pics... Because I just "Turned to Stone" !!!!!! I dont have anything to say....


I dont know why do I fell somekind of shame and discomfort filming hre.....

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