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Playing Hard to get

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Does It make sense at all to play hard to get? I have put alot of effort into a this girl I like and I just don't see the relationship as a mutual thing. So I have decided to sit back and not do anything and wait for her to make a move if she really is missing me. I have had it up to the top, she knows how much I like her but I wan't to know if she even cares about me. I would rather just not see her anymore if she doesn't care, so I am letting her decide the future.

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There is no point to playing hard to get, men don't like it! We don't want a challenge, we're lazy remembers? If someone plays hard to get then we'll just give up and find someone else.


I think sitting back and waiting is the thing to do, some people don't realise what they have until they're on the brink of losing it, others don't realise until they have lost it.


I don't think it's always true that just because she hasn't shown interest that she isn't interested, maybe for some reason she's scared of commitment, or isn't convinced that you are as serious as you are (it does happen).

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There's a difference between a girl playing hard to get, and a girl that simply isn't interested. It's sometimes really hard to tell, but if you have shown a lot of interest and there isn't any hints or any signals that she might be interested in you, then probably she's not interested. When girls play hard to get, its more for a push and pull thing, as in she'll send you mixed signals, not no signals at all.

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If you ask her to do things with you and she refuses, of if she accepts, then finds some excuse not to go, take it as a big "NOT INTERESTED". Some girls have a hard time hurting the guy's feelings, or she might have been hoping for friendship with you and wasn't aware that you wanted more. This happens all the time with guys and girls - the girl will just want to be friends with the guy and then gets accused of playing, "hard to get", when that wasn't even her intention in the first place.


Sometimes guys are a bit too presumptuous when it comes to hanging out with girls - just because she is friendly and outgoing around you, don't take it as a sign that she wants more than that. Generally if a girl is really attracted to you, you will know it right away.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i know a girl and i really like her but she keeps tellin me i have to earn her /get her, tell me if this is not enough stuff to get a woman:

1.everytime i touch her she says "dont touch me"

2.i fixed her computer at least 4 times this year and she says "it runs better then before, thanx"

3.i goto a lot of places with her and she pretends she dosent know me.

4.i downloaded musik albums and moviez that havent come out in australia

5.i videotaped her birthday party and made a dvd out of it for her

6.if she gives her friends hugs gues who is the only one that dosent get one?

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She doesn't like you. It's time to move on.


She not only doesn't like you, even you know she doesn't appreciate the things you're doing for her but she still lets you because, hey, if you want to help her and you're not asking for anything in return, WHY NOT?


It's really time to move on for your own good. Selfish girls like that don't make good girlfriends either, they usually end up using their boyfriends or being used.

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In australia ?...............as if

i heard that girls now like those losers that ride those pieces of wood with wheels and not "wogs", in 2 years im movin to poland for good iand am gonna find a gf there and hopefully get married. today at skool after my exam i was talking to a girl she didnt know i was a wog and we were talkin about vacations and then all of a sudden she changes the subject to hot skaters, and coz im a guy i said this is not a convo im interested in and i left.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'd appreciate advice along the same lines:


The girl I'm interested in does the following


1) Rarely ever turns me down when I invite her out


2) If I don't call her she will call me to find out what has happened to me


3) Has expressed how much she enjoys going out with me


4) Always kisses me on the lips goodbye


5) Only kisses other male friends on the cheek, if at all


6) Is comfortable with me touching her eg: stroking her hair or face and tends to lean on me.


7) She likes to do things for me like cook dinner or give me lifts


8) She occasionally gets nervous around me


9) Readily accepts affectionate gifts such as flowers


10) She acts emotionally dependent on me


So what do you think? Interested or not or just friendly?


I can provide further info if required

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  • 2 weeks later...

Break up Veteran,


If she kisses you on your lips, I would think that she is not only being friendly. In the end you will only know for sure by you daring to find out. You could get rejected, there is no guarantee. I think almost every guy has been rejected.


The good thing about repeated rejection is that a pattern of body langauge and behaviour is formed in ones mind. Then when someone who likes me back comes along, I will feel "Hmm...Wait a minute. Something is different... She is more positive than the other girls!".

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