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Had a job interview a week ago and no phone call since then.. I didn't get it??

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I had a interview about a week ago with this retail store which was full time and offered benefits which was perfect for me.I was hoping to find something that would at least help me get on my feet for being unemployed these last couple of months. However it's been a week since I've had this interview and I haven't gotten a phonecall. It's odd because I thought my interview went extremely well. I was very confident and I even had the interviewer laughing at some of the things I was discussing about my previous jobs. Nothing bad but I just through in a little humor here and there which I thought would help.After everything was done, the interviewer shook my hand and said that they would be doing a background check on me and that I would be getting a call very soon. Usually in the past, after an interview, I would get a call within 2 or 3 days but a whole week has passed. Should I move on and forget this??? Would would he say he would call me soon if he wasn't?? This whole job hunting thing is nerve wrecking.. I had an interview 2 months ago and I blew that one, looks like I blew this too... Sigh..

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Don't wait around for too long, follow up. Not only is it the best way to find out if you got the job or are still being considered for the position, but it also makes you look like you are very interested in working for the company. >> Waiting.... notta.

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You should just call and see if you got it. Maybe the background check is taking longer than they expected. One time at a retail store they had decided to hire me and have me start in a month (it was for a garden centre so it wasn't opening until it got warm out), and they didn't bother telling me. I ended up having to call and ask and they did hire me lol, they just weren't going to call me until I was starting.

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Iffy territory. What, exactly, did you say?


Nothing bad, he was the one who actually started joking with me. We talked about my previous jobs and I was telling him about one job where I was a Janitor when I was in college and I cleaned restrooms. He made a joke saying that I was a brave woman for doing that because he was saying that he could never clean restooms and do that for minimum wage which what I made at that job.He laughed and asked me about cleaning nasty toilets.. I laughed and I made a joke about me not really liking it but I did what I had to do to keep my job, I just gave him some examples of all I had to do. He was kind of unprofessional with me because he seemed to get a little too comfortable and playful with me.He seemed to really like me though, I almost felt like he was flirting with me a little bit.He appeared to be very young, about my age.. He was even using some profanity in some of the things he was saying. Not directly towards me but the way he would talk to me about things. He treated me more like a friend he knew for a long time than an interviewer. After he told me about the job, he introduced me to another manager and he gave her my resume and my paperwork. The 2nd manager just briefly looked over my application and told me that with this company, they would have to do a background check and a drug test and asked me if I was comfortable with that. I said sure, after that the 1st interviewer shook my hand and told me that I should get a call very soon. After that the two interviewers asked me if I had any questions, I said no and that was that.. I felt like everything went well but maybe they're still conducting the background check on me I suppose unless they found better canditates because there was actually 5 other people there being interviewed to work for that company.. I hate this waiting because I don't know what's going on..

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