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what do you all think

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ok... my new girlfriend is much like me........she feels that if you get in a relationship with someone it should be because you see them as a possible mate. I have only had her over 3 different nights. We really seem to click, it is as if I have always known her.... The first night she came over it was just as a guest, I invited a few other people over.......but after they left I told her how I felt about her.......I gave her a massage......I found out later that she is the type of girl to punch a guy if he touches her so I knew then that she liked me. The second time she was over I massaged her from the moment she came in, I also gave her a flower, a white rose for purity. We ended up kissing.......she was a bit shy, I even think she blushed but we kissed for a while............the third time she came over we did not even really watch the movie she came over to see............I massaged her, we kissed........she ended up spending the night in my room which really shows that she trust me I think.......I could not sleep and I spent the night holding and massaging her..................her friends are all kind of shocked because she is not the type to let a guy do that or the type to stay in a guys room............. So based off of that do you think that she likes me just as much as I like her? She is often in the back of my mind.......I am a fairly busy person, but I think of her much...... I wanted to get to know her months ago but I was in another relationship that was dead for over a year......... and I really think this girl is special.......I think she may even have my heart........ I talked to her today and I asked her if she is serious about seeing me next year......(the school year is over so she is at home) I was a little worried it was all a joke.......so I asked her if she really wanted a serious type of relationship and she said that she would like to try.........she has never really been in one. I am the first guy to ask her out, out of the blue............her past boyfriends were all friends with her for the longest time before asking her out...........I also remind her of her dad, and apparently that is a big plus with most women. I am not sure what I feel, I really, really like this girl.......but we have only really been together for 3 days........is it possible that maybe we were just meant to be together........we fit in personality and just the way that we function............what do you think?

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Hi Balhatain,


I believe that you're doing pretty good together for now. Just sit back and don't worry too much. You'll never get to know her overnight. It takes time to get to know each other. Just enjoy each other's company and don't rush things. You'll have a lifetime.


I hope that this settled down your mind a little bit. Good luck!


~ SwingFox ~

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