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I need some encouragement and help!

Josh G.

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Ok, I think im extremely stupid, I want to ask this girl to be my girl friend but I just cant do it! I know how stupid it is to wait, and I do think she will say yes, but I'm to nervous, and right when I feel it is a good time to ask her out, I suddenly feel like she is completely unattracted to me, even though she doesnt act any different so I think it just me messing myself up. Even though I believe I have a good chance, Im completely scared of being rejected (even though I think she may be waiting for me to ask her out). Im usually not nervous around her at all, and I can ask her on dates with little problem in confidence but I cant seem to do this, I think I need something to just push me in so I cant back out, Or someone to tell me something to make me go for it. I know for a fact that I could ask her out on msn No problem, Its way too easy that way though and very tacky, I would never do that, becasue she means to much to me to do something liek that, please help! I need some advice before this all gets to late, Which it is prolly going to be soon! Thanks in advance, Josh G.

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alright, heres what you need to do.


get in front of a mirror, look at urself, and just concentrate on how confident you are. Repeat to yourself, "I'm a badass, and she wants to jump my bone", or whatever sounds good to you. I used to stand there and tell myself, "no fat chicks, no fat chicks" I know this sounds mean but I was having internal conflicts and it helped. annnyway, back on track. You gotta convince yourself that you're the damned best thing, and then you go up to her and just ask. it's that easy.

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>Buy her something really expensive! JUST KIDDING! LOL


>Look Josh, I've read a bunch of your threads and if this is the same chick that you've been posting about, please just TELL HER YOU WANT HER TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND THAT YOU WILL BE REALLY GOOD TO HER!!!


>And FYI: if that's a picture of you recently your quite a little hottie and it's unfortunate I didn't know you in high school b/c I would've gone for you in a second...now I am too old and it is my loss and your fault for being younger than me. No, but seriously, I wish they made your make and model in my year...

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Well thanks very much pinapple girl for the advice and comment, and thank to everybody for helping me out, well I guess ill tell you, I asked her, and she said YES!!!. I feel great right now, There is no way I would have had the courage to do it without everyones help, Thanks again!

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