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I do not believe I should be taking medicine because I am a human who is currently going though a rough patch, and my body needs to deal with it, that is why I have it.


Anyway, I am fighting a lot with someone closer to me and I there is no solution for it currently. I am crying a lot, getting angry a lot, and this person is abusing me mentally. It has been alomost two years now. Going on to third probably. I htought this would end but i need some help now since the third year seems to going to happen. I have mental strenght where I do not care about myself so much, what I am , about my failures in life becuase I am rewarded with something better. BUT it gets to the point where my inside hurts to the bone. It feels like a stone and you can't even cry to relive yourself. This I do not know how to cure. I can't have religion around that has been helping me.


now you're questioning, what ? Yes, i cannot explain becuase many people are not aware of the mind abuse done by probably government t hrough air using electromagnetic radiation. Through HAARP machine. Reporting is only another trap to torture me with. Anyway, I do not know how to alleviate this mental abuse and emotional abuse.

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Rose I dont think all is well in you world to be quite frank


having looked at your threads I wonder if you still in this abusive marriage ? and having the physical problems or did you go to the homeless shelters .


I think if you think your been mentally abused by the government you need to speak with someone you can trust who can help you wade through your mind right now and help you put it in order.

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