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Crush on co-worker, massively shy

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Ok, why do guys give mixed signals?


At work, there's this guy I have a crush on. Nothing major, just think he's a cute guy and I want to get to know him. I'm a pretty outgoing person, I love to pick on people and goof around, thing is when it deals with someone I have a thing for I totally clam up, for fear of sounding like a moron or worrying about how I look.


I told my friend what I thought about him, and she ended up telling him, which didn't bother me since I'd rather it be out in the open in case he is interested. He told her he likes girls who are forward, to talk to HIM and come to HIM. That's a bit of a prob for me, since I've never had to do that and I have dated several people. It was always, little small signals that we like eachother, then they would give me their number or ask me out. Now I have to be the forward one?


Well on Monday when I learned this, I of course freaked out and didn't talk to him. Especially since he didn't say anything about being interested back. Since I had no experience being forward and whatever, I just avoided him, especially since he knew I had a little thing for him and that would just make me turn all red and not be able to talk.


Well yesterday and today I've talked to him quite a bit, he says hi to me when he passes and he told my friend he thinks I'm cute. I'm slowly building up my courage, but then a shocking revelation!


My friend works at night with him, and a new girl started working. She said he makes a massive effort to talk to her or be around her, like circling around to walk beside her between buildings and looking at her a lot. Surprisingly, this made it easy to talk to him. Go figure.


Anyways, sometimes I get the feeling he's a little interested too, I'll catch him looking at me sometimes, and he walks over to where I'm standing and talking to people. I'm not real sure whats going on, and I really needed to vent on this. So if anyone has any opinions please give!

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Man I've been in this position a bit


I liked a girl, we always got along well, joked around etc...anyway her friend found out and told her.


The next time I saw, she was very distant..not coming up to me etc.....


But unfortunately, couldn't chase this as I had to leave for england the next day, so never found out...she was swedish as well


But from what you've described about how you reacted just reminded me....seriously....just ask him out....I bet you he will say yes.....do it while you're goofing around....that way you can laugh it off as well....


I wish the girl I liked didn't go all shy.....so don't do it yourself....I bet you he will say yes good luck

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He is probably feeling the same way you are and is to shy or concerned he will turn you off, to come on to you.


I would say go for it.. Smile a lot when you talk to him. Make him feel comfortable and if he doesn't take the inititive(sp?) and ask you out, then ask him.


Can't hurt right?

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That's a bit of a prob for me, since I've never had to do that and I have dated several people. It was always, little small signals that we like eachother, then they would give me their number or ask me out. Now I have to be the forward one?


Welcome to the sickening feeling a guy has to put up with all of the time.

but in a guys case that will be for the rest of his life

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