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Been a long time since I've posted here, great to be well away from the breakup section this time! life back on track and had the best year of my life this year after a truly miserable 2011.


anyway, I met a girl on holiday... nothing happened other than we met one night as 2 separate groups of friends and all had a great night. she was with the girls I was away with the boys on holiday. I got along like really well with her that night, had such a laugh with her. we didn't see each other again after that night though... No kissing or anything just had a laugh together.


so I got home... few weeks later holiday pics pop up from that night on Facebook. We both get tagged.. I added her, she accepted.


Now we talk every few days on Facebook inbox, sometimes I initiate, sometimes she does. Just totally random stuff, generally a hey how are you etc etc and few quick funny messages about what happened that day.


She mentioned maybe meeting up one time if ever in her area, (few hours away). Or back where we went to uni, (thats how we got talking initially) . I didn't know if she meant meeting up as groups or just us two!? Wish I'd asked now... never mind.


Basically, I really like her... she's really pretty. I'd say too good for me. I know I'd get a slap for saying that off my friends and fam as always put myself down in that respect.


I took myself away from the idea of havin a girlfriend for a long time. After the last one I needed time on my own. So im a bit rusty with all this. It's annoying that she lives in another city. If she was close by the answer to this thread would be .."grow some balls and ask her out for drinks!!"...


I can't do that... So my question to you is...


What the hell do I do now haha... I feel like there could be something in it and wanna know if she thinks the same but don't want to scare her off if you know what I mean.


Any thoughts, advice or opinions would be appreciated!

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