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Fate or not?

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Is it just me or am i the only one who finds myself sat there pondering for countless hours about fate. I seem to do it all the time. I mean its a crazy thought that all your life is pre determined and nothing that you can do will ever stop it. CRAZY?


Well it seems crazy when you first think about it but the more you actually sit there and think about it the more it starts to make sense to me. Can you imagine yourself doing anything else than reading this word now? Its just strange because if fate existed does it control only major things in your life, everything else in between is your free will? Or is it that every last step that you will ever make, is that all in the great plan too?


So i guess you've been thinking so yeh....where's this topic leading. Well i guess its not leading anywhere i just want to ask you the question? Heres a question that made my mind turn over?


- If you believe in fate then why do you still fasten your seatbelt?

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yeh u dint understand the concept! If you dont believe in fate then u shud wear a seatbelt but if you DONT then surely there is no need to wear a seatbelt because if u were ment to hit the windscreen then it wudnt matter wot fate had u do ud still hit the damn windscreen


The fate is


Ure fate for not waring a seatbelt is crashing and dieing


ure fate for making one is u should leave with your life....


Actions determine consequences



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i think about fate all the time

unlike other posters who seem to believe fate is what you make it

i feel as if sometimes my life is what it is

and i have no control over it

when i sit outside with my brain pondering in a million diffrent ways

i stair at the stars

and feel as sometimes that theres all that light up there

and none of it for me

are they controlling our life?

i dunno

but i get what your saying

i believe in fate a lot

yes we make decisions but

our plots in life

i feel as if they are already determind

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  • 2 weeks later...

My friend came up with a good explanationof fate.


"Life is 49% fate, 51% you. Life presents as with opportunity's but its up to yes to take advantage of the."


Fate is basically the things we can't control: what other people think or how they act, the people we encounter, if it will be sunny or rain. But it's up to us to decide how we respond. Some people have a hard life and it seems like fate tells them that they will never amount to anything. But in the end the person decides if he will give up hope or fight to make a better life for himself. That's why stories of people overcoming hardships are so inspirational, they didn't give up even when fate and the world was telling them to. In the end, we make every decision in our life.


And the reason to wear a seatbelt is to minimize the damage in case of an accident. Fate may say another car is going to cause an accident but we can respond by increasing our chances of safety in that event.

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I hate the idea of fate. I don't like the idea that I don't control what it going to happen next in my life. Same thing with "going with the flow." I can't do it. I'm going to fight and struggle to the top until I get what I want.


Also, why are there so many suicides if fate is real? I'm sure fate doesn't plan us out to kill ourselves.

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  • 2 years later...

If somebody commits suicide maybe its to stop them from having something worse happen to them. So somebody kills themselves, but if they didn't maybe they might have died in a worse way than they did. I'm not even if i agree with what i said ....3years ago. Im not even sure why im replying to a post that is 3years old ha. Thanks for everyones replies tho!

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aslong as you try and never give up YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT or something even better than you thought


if you dont try then you dont deserve anything...u dont even deserve depression.......


i rather see the meanest person in the world who hurts peoples feeling as a hobby but treis hard at work and never gives up accomplish his goals and get good things


than a person whos nice and careing but dosent try and complains get anything cz the nice person dont deserve it


and vice versaa

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IMHO, there is no such thing as fate. The thing is that world is built using too many variables for humans to track them and since they don't know all of them it's impossible to explain them - that's why they called this - a fate.


The same was with how religions started to exist - people were unable to explain what was happening so it must have been the "act of god(s)".

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