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Since early November, I've been posting several things regarding this man, particularly our falling out. However, if you have not read them, I will provide you with a short recap on what happened:


My then-boyfriend and I had been in a temporary LDR for several months, both anticipating my moving in with him later this month. Everything in our relationship was near-perfect until we mutually began experiencing some stressful hardships in our separate lives. As a result, we began arguing a bit and talking a lot less than usual, which eventually lead him to just stop communicating with me altogether. After a few days of not hearing from him, I became incredibly worried. After one week, I realized that this was his cowardly way of breaking up with me, so I attempted at moving on with my life.


Everything was fine until last Monday, when he sent me a long text explaining that he was going through so much in his life and realized that he couldn't drag me into it. So instead of being a man, he stopped talking to me in hopes that I'd forget about him. He apologized countless times. That whole week, he frequently texted me saying not much more than "I'm sorry". However, these past few days, he's been incredibly honest in his feelings for me and has said that he wishes that he never did what he did, because he loves me and things will never be the same.


The main problem is: Despite what he did to me, I remain true to my feelings for him. I will always love him. Part of me still believes that he may be "the one" for me, as I've never felt so strongly about anybody else in my life. I realize that we are only human. We all make poor decisions at some point in our lives. I am able to forgive him for his, but I'm so scared to act on my feelings for various reasons:


I'm afraid to completely trust him again. If a person could do this, how am I supposed to know that they won't do it again? I don't want to put myself in another position where I'm completely enamored and in love and I go through this all over again. But isn't life about taking chances? I don't want to go through life wondering "what if?", should I not reenter a relationship with him.


Basically, I'm torn between two options. I don't want to make the wrong decision.

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There are never any guarantees in a relationship. If it is something that you know you will always regret not taking a chance on then that is your answer. I suggest taking it slowly though, it's ok to be a little guarded after what he did- make him work for you to regain your trust. I really hope you get your happy ending. Good luck and have a wonderful holidy coming up!

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