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Lonliness is so lonely


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I am feeling so lonely lately, for some of you who have read my posts my ex split up with me 8 mnths ago


I have few freinds who i only see every now and then because they have there own lives, my family live within 20 min walk from me but there so wrapped up in there lives they never visit me i go to them, i have two wonderful sons 27 and 20 the elder one i see every week he comes for dinner which i do look forward to seeing him my youngest lives with me but i hardly ever see him he is always with his girlfriend and thats fine i dont expect him to stay in with me


I just feel like my life is going know were i feel so down all the time thinking about my ex why am i not over him yet?


Then my so called friend who is also freinds with my ex phones me today to say she is getting married, i know this sounds selfish but i didnt want to hear this she doesnt know how down iam because the last thing i want is for her to go back to my ex an tell him which she will


I just cant seem to shift this rut iam in i dont want to tell my sons because they will say

" mum get over him" i really wish i could i just want to be happy again


Thanks for reading

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hiya darling


kids just have their own lives don't they , I have notioced a subtle change in ems over the last few

months , and her need to be in her room doing her own thing ..


I have hooked up on face book with loads of my army friends and today someone had asked who met there OH's while still serving ...lots came on to say they had and where together 20 plus years later ...I felt a pang ..probably like you with

the marriage conversation ..but I am in a place where I am can switch off and not make is personal , I know

that my life is still as it is regardless of what anyone else is doing and I feel proud of my old friends for their

achievements ...sort of going down that train of thought in my head eases that "pang" that you dont want to feel ,

but still do.


8 month isnt long and you have had one hell of a journey ...keep the faith and always believe in a future for yourself xx

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It's always so easy to slip into a negative cycle of thought and just brood over things. It seems a bit superficial, and maybe even daunting, but maybe try some new hobbies, events, clubs, classes? Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, learning something to stimulate yourself, I find, helps cull the loneliness.

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hi star thank you for your reply my son is the same either locked in his room or with his girlfriend, I know 8 mnths isnt long but i just wish i was the kind of person who just doesnt care but am not glad to hear you have hooked up with your army freinds will do you goodxx


Thanks Maoky it is easy to be negative i just cant seem to have any positive thoughts i do need to get out but at the moment i have sciatica in my back which isnt helping xx

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Hi pony


I cried every day for a year after the breakup, and then every other day after that.


I do say that in time it DOES get easier and better!


During the holiday season it can be difficult, so be patient with yourself.


I ended up making friends through volunteering and through a yoga class. It helps when you see others less fortunate than you and then you realize it is important to be thankful for what you DO have.


So things for you to be thankful for today, it sounds like you have two wonderful sons, a roof over your head, a tender heart, and - hmmm- well, and you are breathing! (Sorry to hear about your back- I know that can be very painful!)


Maybe today you can take a few minutes to be thankful, and then picture your home full of light and health and happiness.


May your healing continue, and may you find strength and peace-

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Hello there,

Stick in there. I feel for you when you say your alone. It is hard to go what you going through, similar to myself. My family are all over the place, and have no friends where i am due to the location i am in and am going through a break up myself. Now 4 months in. Its hard not to feel alone, but there is ligt at the end of it all.


I decided to do allot of work on myself, meditation, zumba, you should try something like that. been alone is something we all have to go through in order to know we are truly alive. I think you deserve time to heal and be who you are, then when you least expect it, someone will come into your life.


keep fighting, as in dark times, the one who's holding the light to get out is you.

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Pnoy i hope you feel better soon. I'm also several months out of a breakup and although i've been pretty good at pretending to be okay, i guess i cry on the inside haha. It is terribly lonely and there are times i feel resigned to the fact that i will be forever alone. I am late 30s and no spring chicken myself.


You're lucky to have such great kids. Just wanted to say hang in there and though it feels lonely sometimes, you're really not alone.

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Yeah, I understand. I've going through a rough patch myself. Threw myself into things but still I find myself staring off into nothing and that really irritates me. ENA helps a bit, I like reading some of my favorite authors and find some comfort in their healing process.


Today was difficult. Have no energy and am not up to PT. Feel like sleeping in but my bod can't do it, wake up sore and stiff.


So.. instead of fighting it, I slothed over to the computer and found myself watching a few hours of CRAIG FERGUSON. He cracks me up and I love his interview style. I think I'm gonna read his book and see what he's all about.


No answer from me. Just treading water until this moment breaks and I can roll off and do something productive.

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ahh master sorry your having a bad day fella ...


I am with you about the not fighting it ...I dont either ..I just tell myself it will pass and ask the

angels to guide me and give me strength ...


hope everyone sees the rainbows soon xxxx


Thank you my friend. Must be the weather or something. Feel like I got left behind. LOL Ugh. You are right though - better to ride it out and let it pass. I'll be looking for the rainbow, forgive me if I spray some water and cheat a little. lol

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