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Do guys like when girls get scared?


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Hey this is just a random question for guys out there, and girls too if they want to answer. But I am going to a haunted house and haunted hayride type thing this weekend with a group of my friends. I hear guys say how they like it when girls get scared and hold onto them and stuff like that. So you agree with this?

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I think it's cute when a girl will be frightened and hug and cuddle with a guy. However, there is a point where it starts to get annoying. At least for me.


I was in the movies once with this one girl. The movie itself wasn't that scary but she grabbed my hand during one part and squeezed the heck out of it. I didn't mind and I thought it was really cute, but 30 minutes later when she was still doing it and acting like she was truly frightened.. well it just sort of seemed ridiculous to me.

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Yeah, be careful with this one, girl.


I was watching a scary movie with my ex once and was genuinely getting frightened, and he had the balls to get mad at me for my reactions. (Uh, he was one who wanted to see the movie in the first place and I was accommodating him. Hellllloooo???) Nah, I'm not bitter. lol.


Use your judgment. If a guy is responding positively to you when you get a little scared and maybe hold onto him a bit, then it's probably okay. But don't turn into a drama queen or anything. THAT'S annoying to BOTH sexes!

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