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my parents are gonna disown me!

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im a 16 year old kid from london uk. And basically im a top student whos gonna get good grades in my test this year etc. However I have been regulary late by like 10 secs each day to school. I thought this didnt matter, however my school have now told me I cannot continue to their six form, to do my next tests because of this.


The problem is my parents expect me to go to this school as it is a good school and i believe they will not be too happy if i told them i didnt get in for such a small thing and i believe they will disown me and kick me out of my home.


Can anyone help?

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Come on now! You know they will not disown you or kick you out of the house! That would be unreasonable to assume is true.


What I think that you can do is work out a system to get to school and all your classes on time. Do they allow make-ups in England? Like here you can repeat classes or go to summer school to make up failing grades. Do they have anything like that over there?


Let your parents know the truth so they can begin to understand that you may not be doing too well, maybe they can take you to the teachers and help you work out some make up work!

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my dad nearly kicked me out of the house for saying that i dont want to get a degree!


I will go to college, however they expect me to go to a better school then that, and as I am not they see me as an ordinary guy, who will live an ordinary life, and im from an indian family, they want you to be the best!

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Ok look here dude I know 16 hard age to learn and be on time. Trust me I am 17 and have been there. I go to school in U.S. You need to face the fact and tell your parents about your problem if you don't then the school will. Here is an example. I kept on coming late to school because I oversleep most of the time. I'm the type that hates getting up early in the morning. I was late a number of times until my teacher finally told me that if I was late again I would fail his class for the year. I got mad and decided not to tell my parents about it but to just forget it. A week passed and while I came home from school one day my dad told me that a latter came in from my school saying that if I was late to my first period class one more time I would fail and loose credit in it for the year. They got mad yelled a little but then just stopped. Look tell your parents what is going on in your school, explain your problem to them and see how they react. I have this friend who is also from and Indian family. Well his parents only expect the best from him I mean the kid gets the best grades in the whole school its crazy and when he gets only one bad grade or a lower one then his usual grades he flips. I know that its hard but try to tell them before the school does. Hint Hint.

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They wont disown you. Id talk to the school and tell them that u didnt know. then if that didnt work id talk to my parents. they need to accept that ur not perfect and wont ever be. They need to loosen up on u and understand ur not always goin to be the best. talk with them about it and tell them they put to much pressure on u

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Look I know what you are saying. The culture is very tough on the growing independence of its children, I don't want you to get hurt or thrown out. The words are probably some kind of control so that you will do what ever you can to stay out of trouble. Then the best that you can do is to be as open as you can, don't throw anything in the fire that you don't want to burn, but do your best, and let them see that you are trying your best and that their standards are too high for you right now.


If they say something bad about being normal, say that is what I am and that is all that I can be!


Around here normal would be average, but there aren't that many "normal" people only average!


If I were you I wouldn't consider them my family until they treat you with respect. If they can't let you be who you are naturally then leave them and come over here where you can be you!


Here is a little psychology lesson: we have 3 egos like Freud said, but they are the child-ego, the parent-ego and the logic or adult-ego!


When you are hungry, you speak with the child ego, when you put others down, you speak with the "parent" ego, and when you build others up to be good and mature, then you speak with your Logic ego or adult ego!


Think of how many adults are not really showing leadership but "parroting" what they have heard and not really making sense of things.


Be yourself and let the others be themselves too! Just do your best at all times and if that isn't good enough then just keep on doing it until they realize that they can't frighten you anymore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey Gau

Do not be afraid, I guess this kind of feelings goes through everybody's mind. Trust me parents are like that and do not blame them since they want good for you nothing but good. But saying that , they do have prejudices, it si upto ou to tackle them. Make them understand , reason it out. Tell them why you feel that wayand make a good case of it. I think it is a goodidea that you think everything.

Degree gives you otptions, it is hard competion out there. Trust me, I was the naughtiest person in school and my teachers used to be fed up with me. I changed becuase I understood that parents are not going to feed me for long I have to stand on my feet. So I started studying how boring at times I used to feel, but I made it may not be upto my parents' expectation but I am happy with what I am now. You knwo something, my parents also started seeing things in my way.

So hang on there mate.. you will allright..

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  • 2 weeks later...

if your parents love you they will not kick you out of your own home. just sit them down and tell them the truth. it couldnt hurt. they might not even care as much as you think. just try it and tell me how it goes.






ThE tRuTh ShAlL sEt YoU fReE

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well maybe your parents were over reacting cause if they do this its none sense and need some person to tell them its not right. But well you shouldn't be late that way... when you try to do something in life you can't failed. TEll them you will improve your attitude and some crap like that.



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  • 5 years later...

In any job you will have in the future, being on time is a must. You cannot be late or you will be replaced. Really. The real world is much tougher on you than any school could ever be. Your parents are just trying to prepare you for a very competitive world where average doesn't cut it. My son never had a choice about going to college. He wanted to, so we didn't fight about it, but you're nothing without a college degree anymore. I don't think this is right, but it is the way it is. The world has gotten very competitive and very cold. Sad but true.

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