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I wonder what she'll be like...?


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This is more me whimsically looking ahead to the future, than anything else, really, so feel free to pass on by if this doesn't interest you in any way, shape, or form.


Anyway, as some of you may already know, I'm a bit of an oddity. I have a lot of "hangups" and apparent mental issues that make it nigh impossible for me to find a girl I'm "attracted" to enough to want to date. But, I do say "nigh" impossible, because it does happen (twice, in fact), it just never ends up working out for me. I seem to have developed a bit of a "pattern"; it seems like every 4-5 years, I find a girl I'm "attracted" to.


Back in 2008, it was an old classmate I had gotten back in touch with (and was, in fact, the reason I started coming to this site in the first place). I was crazy about her. But it's funny, because looking back, I'm not sure what I ever really saw in her, to begin with. We were never that "compatible", nor did we have much in common. For some reason, I was just drawn to her so strongly.


After that whole debacle, things went pretty quiet for years. Then, a few months ago (and some of you may have heard this story quite a bit by now), I finally fell for another girl. This girl, I feel, I fell for for the "right reasons". We're very compatible, we have a ton in common, and I could really picture a nice, equal relationship between us. But, for reasons I guess I'll never know, she apparently doesn't want to date me.


So, it looks like it'll be around 2016 that I'll find the next girl I'll be attracted to, given my developing pattern. I wonder what that girl, in 2016, will be like...? I wonder what she'll look like, what her name will be, what kind of sense of humor and personality she'll have, how much (if anything?) we'll have in common, etc. Preferably, I'd rather she be more like girl #2 than girl #1, because girl #2 is exactly what I want in a girl, to a "t". I'd rather not fall for someone like girl #1 again, because that would just be silly, but I wouldn't put it past myself... "Attraction" seems stupid like that, at least for me.


Most importantly, I'd hope girl #3 will want to be with me, because I'm not too crazy about the idea of having to wait for 2020 for girl #4, 2024 for girl #5, 2028 for girl #6, etc. But, I guess we'll see. It sure would be nice if time could speed up a bit, heh...

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Your love life problems sound like mine.. I rarely find a guy I'm attracted to, and it's the same kind of attraction as yours (or at least it sounds like it from your stories about the girl at work).. then I get all hung up and clingy and can't forget about them, and even if the guy was initially attracted they think I'm clingy and go away.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You will meet her when you least expect it! And it will probably be sooner than 2016. You are entering the age when you are at your hottest/sharpest, 24-30.


Hah. I wish, but I doubt it. Out of all the girls I've met and known over the last eight or so years, there's only been two I really wanted to date, and even then, the girl from 2008 wasn't right for me at all, so you could almost technically narrow it down to just the one. It takes a lot of compatibility for me to become attracted to a girl (I can't seem to be like a "normal" guy that wants to date any pretty girl he meets in passing), and for 99.9% of them, we're not compatible as anything more than friends. Then on top of that, there's still no guarantee she'll be interested in me, yanno?


So, I'd be shocked if I meet a new girl that I actually want to date before 2016. Could even be a little later than that, even. Pretty sure the number of good "matches" for me is much, much smaller than the average guy's, and again, even at my best, there's still no guarantee any one of them will want to date me if/ when I meet them.

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