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Is it ok to ask her for a hug? (sorry if previously asked)

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You should *definitely* ask. Even if she does like you, she could be weirded out by a sudden hug.


Go about asking her if you can hug her when you two are about to part. That's a perfect time to. Just don't act all creepy and not too jokingly when you ask.

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its only a hug


trust me, that wont piss her off or anything. she might be a lil confused if you hug her(idk the realtionship between you guys)


but if you guys are already friends then its ok but if you dont even know the person then dont just go up to ehr and hug her. or even ask her. cause if you ask someone if you could huge them then youd kinda look like an idiot(not tryint be mean)


but idk, thats my opinion

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alright hun....



hug thing... hmm.... im not sure if a hug would be the first thing i would expect from a boy... my suggestion would be to...


walk up to her... when she is alone.. or even with a friend or too.. and just say, "i kinda dig ya" or write a note, slip it to her on the way to class... but my first thing... would be to say "would you like to hang out sometime" or something... no hugging, thats when you touch someone she could get a little weirded out. Maybe talk to her first....



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what do you mean you smell nice, can I hug you?....I've never heard of that....I've heard of and given hugs when I've met up with or left friends.....never during the middle of conversation.


There's better ways of expressing your interest than spontaneously hugging a girl you like....doesn't that fall into the creepy mode???


You can tell she smells nice during mid conversation.....but then follow it with something else to let her know, don't just say that and leave it at that...

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I agree with Kitz, if you JUST want a hug, you better find a good excuse.


I would not let a guy I don't like hug me, not that I am disgusted or anything, but I don't want a guy I don't like to like me when I cannot correspond.


I think you should instead invite her for ice cream or for a hot chocolate, then get to know her slowly.

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Its not that i JUST want a hug....ive asked her to go skating w/ me and she said yes...i was just trying to find a way to show that i do like her since im shy and cant come out and tell her that i like her.


It's not just me either....her friends and mine have all been telling me i need to hug her. When i talked a little to her about it, she almost seemed like she was expecting me to right there....


I guess my new question is how would i go about it....her friends and mine keep saying that she won't get mad and that she likes me too.

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LOL, I dont know, to tell you the truth. But its something my friend does -- she says people smell nice, and asks if she can hug them, and they let her -- its strange, lol.


Maybe you could go skating with her, and she could leave her jacket behind, and out in the cold night, when she's cold and shivvering, you could hug her to keep her warm. + you'd get bonus points for being romantic XDD.

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Maybe you could go skating with her, and she could leave her jacket behind, and out in the cold night, when she's cold and shivvering, you could hug her to keep her warm. + you'd get bonus points for being romantic XDD.



Totally charming idea! Even if she didn't like you in that way (she obviously likes you enough to go skating with you \ ) it wouldn't really be creepy, but sweet.

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