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is it wrong to brake up over internet?

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Me and my bf have been going out for 5 months, and I really want to brake up with him. I think we've lost the connection. I kinda wanted to do it online because that way, I can get out everything I needed to say and it wouldn't be so hard to do, plus there wouldn't be any awkward moments of silence. I had it all planned out and everything, but then my sister told me that thats the "cowards way out"..... I can't do it over the phone because we never even called eachother before! (weird relationship) Its not like, 5 months, where we're all huggy kissy, can't get enough of you, relationship, no, we barley TALK! Its not even like we're going out! So do you think braking up with him over the computer would be wrong? If not, what should I say? How Should I start it?


need to know asap! Would like to do this tonight!


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If you want to break up with him I would take your sister's advice and do it in person. When you do break up with him I'd just say it isn't working out...it's over.


None of this "it's not you it's me" stuff cuz really you think you're trying to relieve his guilt but it just makes things worse. I'd just give him the cold hard truth. It's tough, but it's quick and ultimately LESS painful.

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It shows little respect if you break up online... please have the guts to talk to him and say it in his face. I am sure it will hurt more if you do this online. You will know that, so what's the difference?


Good luck, just tell him how you feel and be gentle but honest.



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To be honest, that is one of the worst ways. I was with my ex for five years, engaged for three and a half, and I got dumped on the phone. It was cowardly and shameful. If you really have a need to "get it all out"....write it down, give it to him while you are there and let him read it, but be prepared to get all the questions. Personally, with a relationship of 5 months, I would just say it isn't working out. Just my opinion....

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I agree with the others. Don't do it over the internet. You have been with him for 5 months, he doesn't deserve to be dumped over the internet.


You need to sit him down and explain exactly how you feel to him. Just be honest. Tell him that you just don't feel a connection with him anymore and you don't like the fact that you two hardly talk. Honesty is important. I'm sure if a guy were to dump you, you would want to know the truth behind it.

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Yea i agree wit that as well, breaking up on the internet is the worst way possible, it just keeps the person guessing, and it's the most cowardly way out. Sitting him down and telling him to his face is better for u and him, because u will get ur point accross clearly so he can't say that he doesn't understand what u mean, less chance of error, plus the internet is just kinda low, he probably will just feel worse that u couldn't tell him to his face.

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I agree with what all the others have said. You need to tell him to his face. I would just walk up to him and say, "Do you have a couple of minutes because I need to talk to you about something?" If he has time then I would say, "Our relationship isn't working for me and I think it's best if we break up," and then tell him why you don't think it's working.


If he doesn't have time right then to talk, find out when he does have time, and then say the same things.


If he seems like he's trying to make things work and you like him and think that things can work, you may decide to stay in the relationship longer.


I would just give him the cold, hard truth, though!


Good luck!

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