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I have a question.........how do you get a girl to love you in under a year. If you know that she has to go in a years time what is the best way to make sure she likes you enough to want you to come with her or to decide to stay. Do I just make sure every time with her is a good time? I really want a long term thing. I think she does as well......it is just that she has to leave after next school year that has me nervous. How long does it take your new girlfriend to fall in love with you? I do not have much exp. in the dating department. If some one is willing to date you does that mean they are willing to love you?

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dude, if its love, then let it grow.....you can't force someone to love you...think of it as a jacket...if the teeth do not fit together and you force it to zipper up, what happens? the zipper breaks and most likely can not be repaired...love is a choice, and if she chooses to love you than thats great...but let it grow...the time you spend trying to see if she's fallingin love with you, somebody else actually might...just be cool and natural..let life take its course; you wouldn't want to miss out on anything

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Well said Jay. I really liked that example with the zipper and I am sure that I am going to remember that.


Jay is right about not being able to force someone into love. In a year's time a lot can happen. May be you'll even find out that she is not the one for you. Who knows. My suggestion is thereforeeeeeee to take things slow. Have fun and spend time together. Try to get her know her inside and out. After that evaluate and see if you like each other well enough that it's called love.


I hope that this helped you and wish you a good future with this young woman. It pleases me to hear that you're doing so good.


~ SwingFox ~

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