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Jay Fouchecourt

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  1. i'll tell you the truth. i am a nice guy and woman seem to either take advantage of it or not even bother.....by the way i'm definitely not a loser...just though i'd clear that up. the problem is that woman want a challenge....you can be nice....but you have to show that you have your act together....thats what attracts people....if want someone to come along for the ride, then you have to know what ride you getting on....indesisciveness is killer.....know who you are and appreciate it...thats the key my friends....from knowing comes confidence.....let the female know that you are who you are and love it....woman like to reform men....hense thats why they always go for the losers, dirtbags, whatever stereotype you give...its because the need reform....see nice guys usually dont need reform in that sense, they just need confidence...when a girl realizes your a pushover she could either use her genetic animal instincts to take advantage of you, or help you out (depends on the girl)...if your a nice guy than good, stay that way...don't give in...but stay strong, and if you fall, then stand up and dust yourself off...it's better to be standing and try...
  2. dude, if its love, then let it grow.....you can't force someone to love you...think of it as a jacket...if the teeth do not fit together and you force it to zipper up, what happens? the zipper breaks and most likely can not be repaired...love is a choice, and if she chooses to love you than thats great...but let it grow...the time you spend trying to see if she's fallingin love with you, somebody else actually might...just be cool and natural..let life take its course; you wouldn't want to miss out on anything
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