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Post BU Contact, what does it mean?


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So last night I was having extreme pain and had to go to the emergency room. I was trying to call everyone I knew to see if they could help me, one of which was my ex girlfriend (who is in a nursing program, thought she would know some stuff)


So it's been about 2.5 months since the BU we've had very limited contact I'd say 2 times since the BU. She initiated the breakup, then we tried to work things out, I found out about all these people trying to date her so I said I couldn't do it anymore didn't want to deal with that and we left it at that on a good note.


So this morning she calls me at 4 in the morning I had just gotten out of the ER. We talk for maybe 4 minutes she asks if I'm ok, if I need anything. I say I'm okay thanks for asking I really appreciate it (which I did, I didn't think she would respond)


Later on in the morning maybe 5 hours later she texts me and says she was almost halfway asleep and had some cheesy dreams with us cuddling and her rubbing my stomach and trying to make me feel better.


We end up talking throughout the day she said she was happy I called her and that I can still rely on her for anything and she'll help me out.


So...then the day goes on, I'm on campus and happen to run into her there, too. I say hello, and we grab lunch together and kind of catch up. A mutual friend is there with us as well and I make her laugh, we have a good time, a nice intimate hug goodbye.


Then a little later she texts me and she says I'm the most handsome person in the world, she still thinks the world of me.


THEN, later


She makes sexual innuendo's initializing sex.


I'm not quite sure what to make of this, since I have been moving on with my life for the better, but it was really nice talking to her. I haven't had sex since the breakup and I want to...


MEH. I don't know.



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sounds like reconciliation is on the cards for her, but what about YOU?


dont crave to sex. obviously its easy to do after a breakup, espeically with your ex, but dont lower yourself to be used for sex.


you have to decide if you want to get back with her or not, if you do, then personally i would be playing it very very cool and taking it easy, not rushing into things too fast, as you dont know what her intentions are! i know it seems cruel, but people are twisted at the best of times

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