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Some people have nerve...

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I'm going to try and keep this short if possible. Give a refresher to those not familiar with my story. My wife of 5 years whom I gave my all too, sat by her bedside while she was going through chemo for cancer and such and was always there for her. Well about two months I guess she left telling me she needed time to think, which I now know what that means. Time to see if the other guy is what she wants. Well she left me and my son and never looked backed again. I struggled to maintain my life and to remain sane for my little boy. Well then people kept telling me she was with a new guy or as they said a "young fellow". Come to find out she was seeing this guy that I was suspicious of at her work who is only 22 or so, her being 34 , myself being 29. Well I decided to hell with her and never called again. Well she starts calling my work to tell me how great this new boy is and I told her I would see her in court not to contact me again unless through the lawyers. She retaliated with calling my boss and telling him all kinds of stuff about me trying to get me fired, which didn't work. Then her new man called my boss the next day to try the same attempt,lol. I remained calm and didn't call her or anything. this week she calls me over and over and I wouldn't answer her calls. She calls my friends saying she needed to talk about the divorce and such. I still didn't respond. Then her and her new man begin driving by my house staring at me and crap. What the hell I asked myself , she left me for this guy and now feels I need to be harassed. Well I called the cops to come out , due to not wanting to get myself in trouble by losing my temper so to speak. She then calls everyone to say I am a real piece of work for putting a restraining order against her. I can't figure this out, to save my life. You cheat on me , leave me and my son with nothing, and you ask me what my problem is? I think someone needs to see Dr. Phil....

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Hey man. It sounds to me like you are doing all the right things. It sucks when someone decides to try to make your life hell. In this case it sounds like you and your son are way better off without her.


You might want to get some counseling for yourself just so you have some support. This is going to be a rough process and you will have to fight for what is fair in the divorce. You'll need all your strength for this.


Make sure you use your friends for support too. You'll definitely need them.

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I also think you are doing all the right things.


I really don't understand why some people feel it is necessary to make the lives of people they hurt even worse. Why do people waste so much time and energy intentionally trying to hurt others? This isn't even a case of revenge - she left YOU not the other way around.


Anyway kudos to you for not letting her get the satisfaction she wants. You're doing the right thing for you and your son.

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I agree with everyone. You are doing the right thing for you and your son. She sounds psycho and you don't need her. 0X I have heard that when people go through something traumatic like cancer that if they live through it they are never the same. I have seen it happen in other situations besides yours.


Counseling is a good idea for you and your son. He may be feeling abandoned also. It's hard for kids to lose their mothers.


Your ex sure does like 'em young!

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He is just mine, his real mom left him basically on my doorstep one night and never came back. He was still a baby and I was just married so he grew up thinking my wife was his mom. He has never known his real mom , I've contacted her a few times but she never attempts to come back into his life.

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You have seem to be doing all the rihgt things when it comes to your son.

The women in your life are not so wonderful. Hopefully you stay single for a while so you can heal and be strong, confident and ready for the next woman in your life. please be very picky. You have a small boy. Your choice will affect him.

Oh, by the way when the "younger" man dumps your ex, don't give her the time of day. You are way too good for that.

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