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new to this forum, and have a question

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Heres the story.... I met this woman online we chatted for a couple hours, talked on the phone and then met for coffee, then a bite to eat. The conversation went great, we clicked, and have so much in common. The eye contact and flirting was great (we both did this) and at the end of the date we hugged. I told her that I had a great time and would like to see her again.

She emailed me the next morning saying that she had a great time and would like to see me again. We talked on the phone and set up a movie date. I guess my question is, I really like this woman, but don't want to move too fast. I've been out of the dating scene for awhile now, and am a little rusty at it. Would it be appropriate to put my arm around her during the movie, and should I kiss her after the date? Maybe just a quick kiss on the lips?

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I don't know how old you are, but since you referred to her as a "woman" and not a "girl" I'm assuming at least mid-to-late twenties. In that case, I think it is absolutely appropriate to put your arm around her and kiss her on the second date. Although, I would try to find out a little more about her background before taking anything too much further.


Women love sincere affection. Not that I think you would...but as long as you don't treat her like you're only out for one thing, you should be fine.

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Yes I'm in my late twenties, forgot to mention that (both around the same age). Thanks for the advice


The woman I met has a great personality, is smart, down to earth, and very family oriented as am I. Those are the main characteristics that I look for in a woman. She is also very attractive I might add. This is why I want to take things slow, so I'm not into just the physical aspect, and want her to know that.

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