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Hi Karibo,


I read a few of your earlier responses, and you sound like a really nice person who deserves a decent guy. The first thing that you can do is to gain some dignity for yourself. Weed out the guys who hurt you. Do not let the these guys trample all over you. Do not go out looking for love. If it's meant to happen, then it will. But when you expose your weakness like that to them, the bad guys will use it to their advantage and toy around with your emotions. It's good to come to our senses and realize that there are nice guys out there too, but we must also be careful with our own actions. If your actions scream out: "I need a relationship to make me happy," then the only attention that you will win is attention from bad guys who will use it to their advantage to step on your vulnerability.


I can tell that you have a lot of buried pain/emotions inside of you. If anything, invest on healing your own heart first, before you jump into another relationship. Sounds like you know what you want, but you just need a little push and shove, some kind of reassurance to let you know that you are coming to the right conclusion. I also do know what you say about feeling numb. It's okay. Just think of this period of time in your life as a period of 'learning.' Life isn't perfect. Things just aren't handed down to us. That also means love. We begin to appreciate the true meaning of love, when we are hurt. So just think of the pain that you're going through as part of a process of you running into 'Mr. Right.' He's out there, but you just have to be patient. Focus on building your life as a happy young lady for now. Don't lose hope okay? Hang in there girl!-Mahlina

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i disagree with the last person who says that you have to get rid of that attitude "i need a relationship to be happy." i dont think that it draws the wrong guys at all. I am in the same exact boat as you, was in a strong relationship from 16-18, then it suddenly ended, and my life has been enpty ever since. I feel numb, i no longer feel the pain of the break up, but also can no longer feel happiness. I grew accostomed to the amazing feeling of love....anyways to my point, what i am looking for in a girl is the exact type of person you are...someone who realizes that ultimate happiness is unattainable if without love, and someone who values a relationship so much as vital to their life...keep looking, hopefully you'll find a guy like me ....if you wanna talk more personally you can pm me, since i know EXACTLY how you feel, and i have for 8 months

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