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Pain! the gettign back together dream. And when a rebound...

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makes you realize even more that what you had was great


Well i havn't had a dream about her in a long time. The ones i've had was with her gone, out of site, like she was a memory to me even in my dreams, liek a lingering presense that was there in some spiritual capacity but never a character in my dreams.


I just woke up from the most painful one. I go to dinner at my grandparents and my mom invites her to dinner. I get upset and say how shedosn't deserve to be a part of my life because she's not mygirlfriend. But then she goes and tells me i was right breaking up was a mistake, and starts to kiss me but i keep saying no this is a dream, no this is a dream and she says no it's not.


but yes it was. I wake up cursing and moaning.


some days i feel better but my feelings for her don't die. not even a little.


I just had a sort of emotional rebound, i was surprised t find myself attracted to someone. allthewhile i came to the realization that she was really not my type and i was attracted to the thoughtof not being alone rather than to her. I realized how when she started to playmind games that i could notdeal with her.My ex NEVER would have done that.she neverdid. she was the sweetest person, just not strong enough or secure enough to handle our reationship. and i was so insecure that i created drama and picked fights without realizing it as a way of having power over her,


she was right about one thing, we were two good people but wesomehow hurt eachother.


it's such a tragedy and i know that if she really loved me as much as i loved her where is she now? I can't continue to berate myself for the mistakes i made in the past but if only she had faith that i've grown so much stronger and aware now maybe things couldbe better.


But i can't convince that to her.


i can't even bear to speak t her it hurts so bad.


she wants to be friends some day. i'll never settle for that


IT's sucha shame things have to be this way.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello there i dont really know your situation but i know what you are going through. I was with my ex for over 5 years and about to propose to her in march. she broke up with me about a month ago and am lost myself. I dont know what you may have done to your ex but if you both truly love each other i believe that you will be with each other in the end of all this pain. All i could say is to try to make yourself as happy as possible but never lose that fear of losing her, remember how you feel now and never forget it. I took my own girl for granted a littel and regret every second of it. It will get better, im sure of it. I still have my bad dreams now but the dreams themselves are not so bad because it is the only time that i can see her. I just dont like waking up from them. I know that sounds kind of crazy, but one thing that i will do is always love her but if i have to move on i WILL find a way no matter what. You will be fine and there are many girls out there. I hope everything works out for you and i wish you the best of luck. REMEMBER TO ALWAYS HAVE FAITH. You are your own best friend.

Sincerly Jameson

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I can completely empathise with you regarding your dreams. I have always had vivid dreams and anytime I am thinking about my ex a lot, I will without fail dream about him. But they would be pleasant dreams. In a way, I like them because they remind me of what we once had, and remind me of good memories. And when I wake up, yes there is a sting of hurt that it is over, but the overriding feeling is that we were happy together once, and nothing will ever take that away from us. We shared special times together and they will be times I will always treasure and be grateful for. Maybe one day your dreams will work this way for you.


I'm not sure of your situation but it sounds like feelings are still raw so of course you are going to feel anything just makes you think what you had was great. Give yourself more time. You will look back in a couple of months and realise you have come a long way.


I'm sure you've heard it all before, but focus on looking after yourself and take each day as it comes. I found that once I took on that mindset, the moving forward happened naturally without me even thinking about it, and soon enough (I admit with the odd hiccup) I started smiling and enjoying life again.

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