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Found out girl i like, likes someone else???


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Ok, before i posted that i liked this girl and wanted to ask her out. As time went by (2 weeks) i found that she didnt show body language. So i started losing confidence. Recently i lied and said that i knew this guy i didnt know and just saw his pic from the yearbook. Now she told me about another guy, and again i went to my yearbook saw the guy and said i knew him. This lead to her telling me she kinda liked him. So im guessing if she is telling me this, i dont think she knows i like her. Now i dont know wht to do??? She told me who she likes, so its obiously not me So i dont think i will ask her out anymore, but wht should i do now... Just act like i dont mind, and let things roll out themselves.

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dude don't sweat it, girls are weird like that. you think she say "i like this guy". well most of the time that dosen't mean she has her mind set.. things like, dose she hang out with this guy alot?, does she think hes just cute? are a factor.. get up the courage and tell her how you fell about her and ask her if she wants to go out with you. your only 15 (along with me) so go with the flow.. if shes not interested let it go find something new and if you happen to come around to her again then put all you got into it. don't think its the end of the world, sometimes when people say something is great well that could be the same thing as your good.. if you know what i mean so just let her know what your feeling, good luck have fun.



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Whoa, she confided in you who she liked? Are you two particularily close? Is this "I have a crush on my best friend" sort of situations? Because if it's not, you may still have an opportunity.


Girls are so complex we confuse ourselves, and I have done exactly what you are describing: Talk to a perfectly sweet guy, flirt with him a little, grow close, become friends. But he never made a move, or I never got the courage to express my feelings, or other circumstances got in the way.


Thus, I moved onto another guy. Some random guy to get over my perfectly sweet guy. Usually, I ended up confiding to my sweet guy friend who my new crush was.


Are you following this? Perhaps you are in this situation.


Eitherway, it's worth a shot. You can STILL express your feelings to this girl, perferably before she asks this new guy out, or vice versa. You say she showed you a picture of him in the yearbook? When you have a moment with her, say "Hey, want to see a picture of the most beautiful girl in the world?" Point out her picture, and tell her you've had a crush on her for awhile. Ask her if she would like to turn your friendship into a relationship.


It's not too late if you have feelings for this girl! I wish you the best of luck! Keep us posted.

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I follow what you're saying..let me give you a bit more detail.

I have known her from last yr, she was also in one of my classes. We talked mostly about school. Some random times we would take about other stuff. But mainly we wouldn't talk much. She is into talkin with her friends ALOT (3 very close friends she ALWAYS is talkin to). Alot of ppl have mentioned to just go and join into their convo, and get to know her friends. This is hard becuz u know how girls always have their girl talk, i just doesn't feel right if i just start following them around while their talkin. This morning her and one of her friends were sitting talkin by my locker...so i went to my locker and said hi and after i finished takin stuff out i just sat beside them..we talked about the guy she liked and she asked me if i think he was cute(i said i couldnt answer that then her friend said to her.. theres still 10min b4 school starts lets walk around. I wanted to join them in their walk but felt like i was entruding since i wasnt invited. Ya so after being off topic for a while going back to me and her, i usually talk to her about school, then dont see her during lunch...she always goes out wit her friends...and after school again i see her one more time, but there are always other ppl around.


One question i have is that the guy she likes is in Gr.11 (I think), she doesnt have any classes with him and sees him rarely in the halls, unless she goes out of her way to see him. I THINK she doesn't talk to him or know him( even on a friend basis) Is it common for girls liking guys they don't even know.

One more, is that could she be doing this and telling me so as to pressure me to ask her out...becuz even last year she told me who she likes...though it didnt work out for them??

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