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Feeling like i'm losing my friends after my break up

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Hi My ex and I broke up, about 3 months of ago and its been kinda hard on me. I'm starting to feel like she is trying to rob me of my friends, and getting their attention and saying all kinds of crap about me to people. People who i though were my friends are now avoiding me, don't say much to me anymore. I had to get a new roommate because my ex would always flirt with him tell him all kinds of crap about me to him and overexagerate things and even lie. My roommate i think listened to more than half the lies and i felt i couldn't trust him. ( my roommate also has a girlfriend of his own) He started to act weird around me when her name came up, he has hinted to me some lies, anyway i couldn't trust him and I could see that he didn't trust me either. I got a new roommate now, and i haven't talked to the other one in a month.


There are other people my ex talks to and tells them crap. I occasionally hear about some of what is being said, and it is obnoxious and immatuere and all lies. I feel that she is trying to rob me of my friends, by getting attention and getting back at me somehow. I haven't talked to my ex in awhile, and i want her to go away, and let me in peace, but it doesn't seem like that is what she wants. I'm sick of all this and is there any adivce that anyone can give me? Anyone been in a situation similar? This keeps happening and i'm sick of it.

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It kind of happened to me. But I was wrong, I kept all my friends. And you will keep yours too. If they dont want to talk to you anymore, I guess that they were not real friends. If they are real friends, they will sort out what your ex is saying about you. If she keeps saying bad things, lies etc. about you. She will be one losing her friends.




***ENglish is my second language***

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Hey.. I just wanted to say not to worry too much about the friends matter. True friends will stick by your side, no matter what. If they don't, maybe it's a sign that you need new people around you, to go out and get new friends!


If you want to talk s'more, too, my emails on this and I got msn.. I know how much an attentive ear can be a lifesaver, don't be afraid to give me a buzz. ^^

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