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Relationships in new towns

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I have recentally moved to a new town to go to college. Back in high school i would have no problem talking to any girl. But it seems that now that i have moved towns communcation with the oppsite sex has been a throne in my side. It has been about 3 months and I haven't even talked to any new girls. Some have tried to flert with me accross the classroom EX: looking at me and begin to play with their. But it seems every thime this happens i brush it off to the side and don't acknowledge them. I feel bad about it but it seems i can't help it.


if anyone has any tips on how to get back into my game it would be greatly appericated. Thank you




"When you do something right people won't be sure you've done anything at all".

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It is normal to have a bit of stranger anxiety when you move to a new town and meet new people. You are sort of out of your old comfort zone, and are not quite sure where you fit in.


I suggest the first thing to do, is take it slowly, first just make friends with your peers, then meet their (girl) friends, and slowly, you will be building your own new circle of friends, and gain new confidence. This way, you will meet new guys and girls, and possible girlfriends, in a safer environment, and will have confidence to flirt with strangers again. Hope this helps.

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