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where do i go from here?


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hello again its been a long time since ive posted on here also apologies if ive placed this in the wrong place as i dont know where to put it exactly.


So back last year i wrote a few posts about my ex and me and the trouble i was in at the time, well me and her got back together in the summer of 2011 lol i know you dont have to say it, anyway we found out we were expecting a child just after xmas in 2011,fast forward to today and we are seperated again and for good might i add. the reason im posting is i dont really know where to go from here in feb of this year i was made redundant from my job (which ive held for 8yrs) ive been forced to move into my rents home(since the split in june) as i have no money on top of everything else tbh im struggling to smile and get out of bed everyday and knowing theres another child soon coming into the picture im kinda lost,fed up and just wanting to scream any tip advice or help woud be great thanks.

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ty for the replies no she wasnt ms darcy, the baby wasnt planned we both wanted it but the situation is very difficult now as it seems shes holding all the cards (im not even allowed into the birth) which peed me off no end, sigh i dont know what to do for the best if i want work ill need to move as theres very little where im living and the more hours i work the less time ill have for my kids just really sucks right now.

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