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What to do with the EX!

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Hey guys

Just after a bit of advice on a situation im in. Basically another angle. Split up with my girlfriend about 2 1/2 months ago. We were both going through other problems and she said she wanted to take a break. She didn't have the effort for a relationship at the moment. I was quite sad about it all and we last spoke a week later.


I decided to just get on with things and get back to enjoying myself. Things sorted themselves out and I got back to my old self, started having a good time again. Only contact I had with my ex been on MSN messenger, where I talked to her once or twice, but only short conversations about nothing really. Id think about her and I can generally say I missed her. However, went out on dates with a couple of girls but only for fun. Then about a week and half ago, I was out in town having a drink and a dance with a couple of friends I haven't seen for ages. I turned round and there was my ex with her friends. I just smiled and got on with having a good time. Which I did, and we never spoke to each other all night.


The next day I was checking my e-mail on msn and she logged on and we got talking. She asked what id been up to and that someone had told her about another girl I am seeing. She started flirting with me and I asked her why she didn't talk to me the night before. She said that I looked like I was having a good time and she didn't want to spoil it. Also, said something about she saw another ex and she was reminded about mistakes she made. Other guys basically. But I wasn't one of them and she didn't want me to become one of them. Whatever! Anyway we met up the next day and went shopping, plus a few drinks afterward. Just catching up, and on the way home I stopped the car and kissed her. It was great but after a couple of minutes of getting intimate she said that it wasn't a good idea. I agreed and took her home. The next day I called and apologized for making things awkward. She dismissed it and said forget it and we ended up going shopping again that day. However she was different, not really flirting anymore and playing hard to get. The night I received a text message saying that she wished she hadn't had stopped things the night before. I left it a day and text her back asking why she did. Said that she would do it again no strings with someone she's been with before. She said she was reminded of how passionate we were together.


Just hoping that someone could give me another angle on the situation. What I should do and how I should play it. Also if you think she's playing a game and whats going through her head. Cheers guys!

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here's the logical man's point of view:


A - you still like her

B - she still likes you


A + B = good enough to try again


C - she is playing hard to get


good question. this beats any logic i know. guess that's why we are guys and not girls.


it's not like you two haven't been there before, so why the push off? and she says she wants to be passionate. maybe you are trying to continue where you left off, and she wants to be wooed all over again.


that's my best guess.

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