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How to start dating? A question from a user :)

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I am posting this on behalf of one of our users that was not able to register so far


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Here is the deal, I like this girl named monica. I know her a little because for a few years I would always went over to her house to see her brother. Me and her brother aren't as good of friends as we used to be but still talk sometimes.


Me and Monica say hi everytime we see each other in the halls at school. She is a junior and I am a sophomore so we don't have any classes together. One of her friends said she liked me but i wasn't sure. I have been wanting to make some kind of a move toward being more than friends but i have no clue how.


Please give me any advice you have. Thanx


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Let's help this user folks. Comments and suggestion for this guy are very welcome!! Good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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Just be completely direct. The reason why so many of us end up single is because we get too caught up in the he said she said game. Tell Monica that you have an interest in her and you think it would be great if you two could go out alone and get to know eachother even better. Women would be thrilled if men would just be completely direct with them. Trust me on this one-- I'm a woman!!!!

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If you're afraid of just outright telling her that you like her, how about trying to work yourself up to that point. I'd recommend that one day, while you're passing her in the hall, you just stop her and make conversation. But this time, just ask her out. If you're uncomfortable with asking her out....try a more relaxing approach. Just ask her if she'd like to go out for coffee with you sometime.


If you do that, it's a great way of warming everyone up. She will know you're interested in her, and if she says yes...then maybe at coffee you could tell her outright..."i like you, i have feelings for you, i'd like to know if you'd like to go out sometime...to a movie, or something?"


It's great because this method puts less pressure on her, and makes you look very sensitive in the process.

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