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Just last Thursday, (we had Friday off), I gathered up enough courage to talk to this girl at school. The only class I have with her is in History at the end of the day, but in Lang. Arts, she stayed to finish her test. I guessed that she was in honors and I planned to talk to her later that day. I constantly ran over what I'd say. When 8th period came, I approached her and I said her name. First it was too quiet, becuase I'm shy around girls and all around a quiet person. The second time, I said it lounder and she looked at me and smiled. I asked her if she was in honors and she said she was. I asked her how hard the class was because I was thinking about taking it. (I already take honors Geometry and Spanish one year early) She said the test was pretty hard but she didn't really read the book well enough. Now that I have finally said something to her, I feel a little more confident. However, I still need new things to talk to her. The problem is, I don't know much about her, and since she's quiet too, I won't really hear about what she likes to talk about. Any suggestions would be very helpful.


P.S. The smile really surprised me.

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The problem is, I'm so shy that I find it odd to talk to her for no particular reason. It takes me a while to decide on what I should say. I keep on going over how a conversation should go and by the time I decide, it's to late and I need to sit back down or I have to hurry onto the bus. I just need to overcome my "inablility" (being shy) but I just don't know how!! Please... help me.

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You do have a reason to talk to her: to get to know her. You can always start off talking about something from your class together, like a test, paper, or just a topic you found interesting. Ask her about the usual getting to know you stuff: where shes from, what music does she like, what she does in her free time, etc. Maybe talk about other classes shes had and rather she liked them or not. Stay calm and be yourself. The smile is a good sign, at least shes not disinterested in you.

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That helps pretty well. I have been thinking about asking what middle school she went to because she surely didn't go to mine. Plus, on Tuesday, I asked if she went to this school adventure camp. (there's paintball and a high ropes thing but it cost $50!) She said she didn't because she didn't have the money. I reassured her by telling her that it isn't that great. I believe I heard a laugh but I'm not sure. Anyway, today, I didn't really go talk to her because of two reason. First, I didn't want to sound desperate, talking to her every day at the same time. (before and after class, I can't in the middle) Plus, I did feel a little to shy today.

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hey i am in the same situation as u but i am in college -shy around gals. just warning u-just b/c a gal is smiling and talking to u and giving u the signals doesn't mean she interested in u for a date or bf- i had a gal i liked do that to me and i asked her out and she said NO.of course i was sadded by the effects.


oh ya don't ask too many questions either-i could have been a reason the girl said NO.

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