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Why is it like this...

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I can honestly say that if it wasnt for the fear of the pain of dying, i would be dead right now. Nothing in my life goes right, im currently in the process of applying for college, and i feel so much pressure from my parents to do well and to make something of my life that it alone is driving me crazy. That isnt even close to the worst of it thought, the worst part is my relationship with a girl who i met this summer. I met her and i quickly fell in love with her but it was at camp so of course after it ended we had to go back to our own homes. She lives many hours away and i almost never get to see her. I recently took a trip down, and sitting in the movies just holding her hand i have never been happier. Ive never had a girlfriend ever and she is the first girl i ever even loved but because of the distance she believes we cannot commit to a serious relationship and i see her point. The whole situation is killing me and i dont know what to do or how to get over it. All i want is to be with her, and i just cant have it, and with all the other pressures on me like school, work, family, and college, i just cant take it, im lost looking for a point to my life but i dont even know if one exists.

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I know how you feel right now. My girlfriend is moving to new zealand in december.


If you're now going to college, then you only have a few years before your on your own, doing what you want to do. Why not look forward to moving nearer her, if not permanently then for a while?


Think of the good things that are going to happen. Even if you seem at a dead end now, trust me as i speak from experience..


..Things will look up.


If you wanna talk some more, then email me dude.

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hey man, there IS a point to your life, but it's up to you to find it.

i've been where you are, believe me. i'm not a sophomore in college, so i was in that point in my life where pressure was coming from everywhere..parents, techers, etc. everyone wanted me to make the right decisions and succeed, but it was just way too much for me to handle. but take it from me, decide where you want to go, where would be best for you and just do what you can do. try your best, get in somewhere and go to college and just try your best..it's all you can do. you're at a crossroads right now. so much is going to happen for you in the near future you can't possibly decide that your life has no point or is going nowhere. go to college, meet new people, study, have fun, learn..it's a great experience. you're going to meet so many new people and grow so much. this girl situation..i'm really sorry. i know it's hard. just try and maintain the most contact that you can for now, but when you get to college, just enjoy it and see what happens. you might meet someone else. you have so much going for you, just try not to let the pressure get to you. take deep breaths. relax. just do your best, it's all you can do. you're getting to a point in your life really soon where parents, etc. won't really have much reign over you. you're going to be in college on your own learning responsibility. i've been there man and i know how it goes, but things get better - just go for it. we all get frustrated, so you're not alone, believe me. hey hang in there. believe me, i know what stress is like and it's awful. do yourself a favor and try and reduce this stress by simple techniques. breathe more, slow down, relax, take a walk or exercise. you can do it. check this site out, it helps

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if you ever wanna talk, please contact me. we all wanna help here!


take care

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I too have just moved to college, all the things seemed to come at once and there is a point where i thought i should just drop out of college and find a boring job. I had to leave my girlfriend of 3 years because she was moving down south. I came to college thinking that i was going to be a pharmisists, now i know that i can olny be happy as a teacher. my girlfriend said before she left that after her four years of college that she would come looking for me so we can be together. My point is that you need to get through these years of college no matter what. Think of what life may be like when your done. A good family, the love of you life and a beautiful house. Four years is not that long but to be happy you must get through the hard times.

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