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im self concious about my looks

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i hate being self conscious about my looks with my girlfriend. whenever i show her a picture of me, she always mentions something about my hair or my clothes or anything. in a nice way of course. and i just feel bad and i worry about my looks. she always mentions something when i show her a picture and i just feel bad and feel nervous that i never look good to her. she's not the type to say "ooh you look so hot" or anything like that. since she thinks that i already know that she thinks im hot, sexy and cute. but i dont think i already know - which is stupid because i should.


what should i do? how can i get confidence and stop feeling like this?

i love her, i want to feel better

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I have the same problem...I'm very self conscious, or atleast I was up until I met my boyfriend. He gave me the confidence I needed, and his opinion is what matters to me now. But before you can be fine with yourself, you have to accept you for who you are and be happy. I'm also not a good picture person, I hate pictures...but some do come out looking nice, so my advice would be just go with it. It's probably all in your head. It'll take time, but tell yourself you're confident and eventually it'll happen.



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