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So I THINK I got a job...

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I think I got a job at I interviewed for last week. They said they would only call my references if I'm the successful candidate, and they did call my references or some of them anyway. I had my phone off while I was doing volunteer work today and when I got home I saw I had a voicemail from them, telling me to call them "if I get a chance." I was unable to reach them because the office was closed for the day but I left a message. It sounds like I did get the position since they called my references, but I'm not sure about the "if I get a chance" thing, wouldn't they maybe want me to call them back more urgently? it's also weird they didn't tell me yay or nay right on the voicemail message, but the job IS also contingent on a criminal reference check which I haven't done yet so maybe that's why they didn't make an official offer. Anyway, I'm gonna call again tomorrow but I feel like I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight because it sounds like I got it, but it wasn't yet CONFIRMED. I haven't spoken to my third reference (talked to the first two) so I'm not sure if they called/what they said. Anyway, do you think it sounds like I got it? I just want to sleeeeep tonight! I've been unemployed for four months so this feels like my saving grace, especially since I thought I messed up a question at the interview!

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LOL calm yourself, blueidealist! It sounds like you got the job!


'If you get a chance' is typically a polite gesture, not 'well, no job for you'.


Interviews don't have to be perfect either! If you make a mistake, it tells them you're human.


Wait for them to call you back. If they don't in 3 days, call them back!

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Is it possible your last reference couldn't be reached and they were calling for an alternate? I'm only guessing that because employers take references really seriously (second to interviews in importance). Maybe you did get the job and they wanted to tell you over the phone. My last hiring manager called my references then called me almost immediately and left a voicemail saying congrats, we're offering you the job. Everyone does things differently so I guess we just have to wait and see. Good luck!

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