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Girls, why do you make us feel jealous?

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How come girls always got to make guys feel jealous?? I like this girl and on one day she flirts with this guy, which pisses me off. Then the next day she flirts with me. She looks at me alot, and sometimes smiles. I look at her alot too and actually I have never seen her looking at that guy she flirts with. He always comes over and starts talking to her. What's up with that? Cuz he likes her, but I'm not sure if she likes him. Could it be that she is just trying to make me feel jealous? But then how come she don't flirt with other guys in my other classes?

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same problem here lol, this girl i like flirts with this guy named hudson and makes me sick to my stomache, i dont know if she wants me to kick his a** or what lol but she made me jelious, she's probably doing that so you would be jelious, jesus, girls these days

i wouldnt worry to much about it though, good luck

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I know that with my boyfriend, i will mention other guys or tell him when a guys calls or something because .. i dunno i cant describe it.. its like to let him know that...... hes got something good and that other guys think so too and that i could have other guys if i wanted to (but i dont, i love my boyfriend! i just like to keep him on his toes)


** and i know yall may be thinking im like fishing for a confidence boost.. but its not that, i mean we all do things like that

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This girl I use to like use to do that to me all the time. I think she knew I liked her, and it makes you feel bad. I know I use to love to make her feel jealous/bad. What happens is that you appreciate their company more, and you want to be with them more.

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So what you guys are saying is that I shouldn't worry too much about it? I guess you guys are right, I bet she can see that I don't like it when she flirts with guys. She is probably just trying to make me feel jealous. I never really realized that before but now I seem to have noticed myself trying to get her jealous. Like I would look at other girls when I see her, looking at me, with the corner of my eye.


I recently started learning how to walk on my hands, cuz that's a good work out, and right now I can take about 5-10 steps on my hands. So I was thinking that maybe I should do that in that class where she flirts with that guy. I argue with my friends all the time and we always have these competitions, like who can do more push-ups. So maybe I should bring that up when I'm talking to my friends. They won't believe me so I'll have to show them. Maybe she will see me doing it. I mean it's pretty impressive when a guy walks on his hands, how often do you see that? So you guys think I should do it?

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lmao! Sorry to laugh but this post is funny!


I agree with Clueless788, it's all about showing that you have something good and if you don't want it, someone else will take it.


Personally for me, I know that I do try to make a guy I like jealous, however I also know that being a jealous person ( ) I could not stand a guy I liked doing the same thing to me.

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