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I have not spoken to my ex since the end of June, we broke up in April but still continued to see each other until the end of May. The last time I talked to my ex, i did all things you are not suppose to do. I found out that he got into another relationship immediately after our phone call(within days). He doesn't know that i know he has a girlfriend. I sent him a funny birthday card in september and heard nothing back from him.

Last week I sent him a CD I burned for him of Joss Stone. He really likes her music and we went to her concert on one of our breakup dates.

I have not heard anything from him. Not a peep. Should I call or email or something to see if he got it? Or just do nothing and assume he did.

Also do you think sending the CD was a mistake?


I find that I am confused on what to do when you want your ex back. Some people say NC is the route and others/books tell you to do loving things such as sending cards and presents, etc. What do you guys think?


I am trying my hardest to move on...I really am...but my mind ALWAYS takes me back to him. I guess I am having a really hard time understanding how i got thrown to the curb and how he was able to move on, while I cant even imagine kissing another.


Any comments are appreciated.

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It's not a mistake to send stuff, but surely you were expecting something back from him I think.


I know how it feels to have someone change on you and just grow distant. Ignorance is bliss and try to avoid finding out new stuff on your ex, I know it's hard (people are just curious).


Until I am the one to break up with someone and jump into another relationship, I will never understand the mentality of their position.


There is no perfect way to "get back your ex". Most I think are really a process for you to move on yourself.


I know how hard it is to move on.


I have no answers myself.

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