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I took a step back. Now I'm starting the process all over.

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Everyone should read my very first post, "The Heartbreaker is heartbroke" to better understand the situation.


Well, I WAS doing pretty fine. The ex and I broke up a month ago and I was finally starting to move on. Well, after a long, deep conversation with my sister, all of my feelings came back. I ended up checking her twitter and I found that she is involved with someone else. At first I though it was her brother, but then it became obvious that they "mess around" .


What hurts the most is that more than likely she had been talking to this guy for awhile and didn't know how to tell me. She had been acting funny for a couple of months and it all makes sense now. I wasn't being insecure. I had a gut feeling and I was right. EVERYONE, including my mother, had told me that when she was constantly breaking up with me that she probably had someone else in mind. And looking back, everyone was probably right. Why else would she get mad about little things so much? All those times that she gave me attitude was probably because the guy she had her eye on was giving her the cold shoulder. And she was ALWAYS distant when I was around her.


I'm so hurt. I never expected this from her. I'm such an idiot for looking at her twitter, but i needed that closure. It hurts to know that I gave it my all to a girl who I though i had a great connection with. I cant believe with all the clues that she gave me that there was another guy, I didn't just end it back in May. Now i'm starting the process ALL over again.


How can I get over this fast?

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There is no fast or a shortcut to ge over it just stick to NC and stop torturing yourself by constantly checking out on her or talking about her. The silence going to hurt And again it's going to be hard but thats the only way you can appreciate the short when you finally heal in this situation, try as hard as you can to focus on yourself until you finally won't care wha she is doing or who she is with and for sure you'll find someone and don't make same mistakes you made on your last relationship. Stop once for all twitter or FB that isn't helpful.



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I know how it feels , I once had a girlfriend who started acting weird . and hanging out with new people . and I was NEVER jelaous like that , but I really acted in an insecure and controlling way . and then she gave me the I need space speach . I was mad at myself at first , but then I realized I was RIGHT she hooked up with at least 3 different people just a few weeks after we broke up . so you really need to listen to your gut feeling sometimes .and be the first one to break things up . think about it this way - if it's true , you would end it first anyway if you knew about it earlier right?


BTW , that ex of mine is now miserable , all those guys are a bunch of unsirious losers and she never found anyone even close as good as me . so yeah , people who do these things learn their lesson eventually...

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I was so close to do this...I was going to check his fb page, cause I still want to know if he left me for someone else, but Saw your post and just realized it would make me go to square one! Better not know!!! Its difficult having questions, but sometimes answers are worst.


Too bad that you found out that, I wish I could tell you something useful but I'm the same as you... Good luck!

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SoulSilver you're absolutely right. And I've just been sitting back realizing that she just isn't the one. Like it's bad enough that it's a long distance relationship. I was thinking maybe we could start it up again whn I'm home for good, but I don't want a chick like her in my life. She played me and I let it happen. It was a learning experience. Next time I'm just going to go with my gut. And Mariana345 don't EVER chick his stuff. It will kill you.

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It sounds like you are in a better position than me at least. Even though it hurt at least now you can accept that your relationship is over. Sometimes it does take seeing your ex happy with someone else just to let go. For the most part, I have got to the point where I can accept that there is nothing I can do get her back. However, it's the letting go part that is hard. I don't really like admitting defeat. I guess I'm also afraid that I won't find another woman who gets me the way she did.

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