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No Word from my Soldier son....

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I don't know if he is alright, it has been four days now. I was cut off from any word about him from my future daughter in law, to those of you who read my first post on here and know whats going on. Her and I always kept in contact about him. When she heard from him she always wrote me an email and told me he was alright. Now I have nothing or no way to know he is alright. I hate reading the news about this war over there, but today I am combing through every piece of news to try to get some ideal if my son is alright. I was cut off from knowing about his welfare in this war, because I wanted to be there at their wedding and all. I am asking everyone who reads this to kindly think of my son in your thoughts today, and if you do pray will you pray for him and his safety and the rest of our soldiers?

Is this the worst cruelty to inflict upon a mother?

Am a nervous wreck today, bad day for me here... thanks for listening.

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I will pray for you and your son. You might try writing him or getting in touch with his unit commander to get updates on his welfare. You are still next of kin, so your son's girlfriend cannot completely cut you off like that.


This is going to take some time to blow over. I know it seems like an eternity. My own mother has had similar problems with my sister-in-law. I've tried to mediate when things get really rough. It can sometimes take a few weeks for people to let go of their pride and be willing to discuss it.


I'm sorry but I cannot remember if you have other children. Do you have someone in the family who can act as a go-between to try and calm both sides down?

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It is wrong that she has cut you off like this, do you have a way of writing to him or has she restricted that information too? I suggest you try to contact her and explain your worry or if that isn't possible then contact his Commanding Officer or Regiment, you will probably be able to get information about him this way.


I read through your first post and i think it is wrong of your son's fiancee to behave in this way just because her parents are unable to attend. Personally, i wouldnt continue making the dress but it is up to you. Im sure they will come around eventually, maybe your son has not had chance to properly discuss it with her and get her to see what an insult it is.


I suggest that when you next get in contact with your son you begin to voice your thoughs and opinions about this whole situation.



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